¿Le han robado sus Cupones de Alimentos?

Una nueva estafa ha sido reportada, esta hace referencia a estafadores clonando las tarjetas EBT y robando la información de los beneficiarios del Programa de Cupones de Alimentos (FNS) en Carolina del Norte. Si usted ha sido afectado, es posible que pueda recibir un reemplazo y recuperar sus beneficios.

¡Los beneficios que le han sido robados podrán ser recuperados! Descubra los detalles:

Ciertos beneficios de Servicios de Alimentos y Nutrición (FNS) que han sido robados a través del esquema de tarjetas clonadas y otros métodos fraudulentos similares pueden ser reemplazados entre el 1 de octubre de 2022 y el 30 de septiembre de 2024.

Consejos para que le ayudarán a proteger su información:

  • Revise regularmente su cuenta EBT en busca de cargos no autorizados.
  • Cambie el PIN de la tarjeta EBT regularmente, utilizando un número nuevo cada vez.
  • Seleccione un PIN difícil.
  • Revise regularmente las máquinas lectoras de las tarjetas en busca de dispositivos que adulteran las máquinas.

Para obtener más información sobre estos consejos, visite aquí.

Lea a continuación para conocer más información sobre sus derechos y cómo solicitar beneficios de reemplazo:

  • ¿Fueron robados sus beneficios de EBT/Cupones de Alimentos desde el 1 de octubre de 2022 y hasta el 25 de agosto de 2023?

Si informó el robo de sus beneficios de EBT o Cupones de Alimentos durante esas fechas al Centro de Llamadas de EBT, debería haber recibido un aviso, una carta de presentación y una declaración juramentada en blanco. Debe enviar esa declaración jurada antes del 27 de septiembre de 2023 al DSS por correo, fax, en persona o por teléfono. Si no tiene la declaración jurada, puede encontrar copias en la oficina de DSS.

  • ¿Qué es una declaración juramentada?

Una declaración juramentada es una declaración juramentada voluntaria, que se utilizará como verificación de que está diciendo la verdad con respecto a los beneficios de EBT o Cupones de Alimentos robados.

  • ¿Descubrió el robo durante el 1 de octubre de 2022 y el 25 de agosto de 2023 pero no lo informó al centro de llamadas de EBT?

Deberá enviar una declaración juramentada firmada antes del 27 de septiembre de 2023. Puede hacer clic en los enlaces a continuación para obtener el formulario de la declaración juramentada o visitar su oficina de DSS del condado para solicitar ayuda. Debe completar, firmar y enviar la declaración juramentada por correo, fax, en persona o por teléfono.

  • Haga clic aquí para obtener el formato de la declaración juramentada en español.
  • Haga clic aquí para obtener el formato de la declaración juramentada en inglés.

  • ¿Descubrió el robo desde el 26 de agosto de 2023 y hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024?

Tiene 30 días para presentar una declaración juramentada desde la fecha en la que descubrió dicho robo.

  • ¿Cómo presentar un reclamo?

Deberá completar una declaración juramentada firmada y presentarla por correo, fax, en persona o por teléfono con una firma telefónica en DSS. Carolina del Norte tiene 30 días para revisar su declaración juramentada para aprobarla o denegarla. Si se deniega la declaración juramentada tiene derecho a una audiencia.

  • ¿Cuánto recibiré de vuelta?

Es posible que no reciba todos los beneficios que le robaron. El beneficio de reemplazo será menor que la cantidad robada del hogar o igual a dos meses de la asignación mensual del hogar inmediatamente anterior a la fecha en que se robaron los beneficios.

  • ¿Cuántas veces puedo presentar un reclamo?

Solo podrá solicitar que se reemplacen sus beneficios dos veces durante un año fiscal federal, que es del 1 de octubre al 30 de septiembre.

  • ¿Qué beneficios se pueden reemplazar?

Los siguientes beneficios pueden ser reemplazados: Servicios Regulares de Alimentos y Nutrición, Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Simplificada (SNAP), Programa de Asistencia Nutricional de Desastres Suplementarios (D-SNAP) y Asignaciones de Emergencia (EA).

Más información:

Si tiene preguntas, necesita más información o ha sido víctima de esta estafa y se encuentra en el condado de Mecklenburg, llame a nuestra línea de ayuda para clientes al 704-376-1600 (inglés) o al 800-247-1931 (español), deje un mensaje de voz y nuestro equipo de admisión de Cupones de Alimentos se pondrá en contacto.

Food Stamp Benefits Stolen? 

Ver información en español

A new EBT card scam has data thieves stealing information on EBT cards. Scammers are skimming and cloning EBT cards and are stealing benefits from Food Stamp (FNS) recipients in North Carolina. If you’ve been affected, you may be able to receive a replacement for your benefits.  

Stolen Benefits Can Now Be Replaced! 

Certain Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) benefits can receive replacement for benefits stolen between October 1st, 2022 through September 30th, 2024 through card skimming, card cloning, and other similar fraudulent methods. 

Tips to Protect Your Information

  • Check your EBT account regularly for unauthorized charges. 
  • Change the PIN to the EBT card regularly, using a new number each time. 
  • Select a “difficult” PIN. 
  • Regularly check card reading machines for skimming devices. 

To learn more about these tips please visit here.

Read below to learn more about your rights and how to request replacement benefits: 

  • Were your EBT benefits/Food Stamps stolen from October 01, 2022 through August 25, 2023? 

If you reported your stolen EBT or Food Stamp benefits during those dates to the EBT Call Center, you should have received a notice, a cover letter, and a blank affidavit. You must submit that affidavit by September 27, 2023 to DSS by mail, fax, in person, or over the phone. If you do not have the affidavit, copies can be found at the DSS office. 

  • What is an affidavit?  

An affidavit is a voluntary sworn statement made under oath, which will be used as verification that you are telling the truth regarding stolen EBT or Food Stamp benefits.  

  • Did you discover the theft during October 01, 2022 – August 25, 2023 but did not report to the EBT call center?  

You must also submit a signed affidavit by September 27, 2023. You can click on the links below to obtain the affidavit or visit your county DSS to request assistance. You must fill out, sign and submit the affidavit via mail, fax, in person or over the phone. 

Click here for fillable affidavit in Spanish.

Click here for fillable affidavit in English.

  • Did you discover the theft from August 26, 2023 – September 30, 2024?  

You have 30 days to file an affidavit from the date of discovery. How do I file a claim? An affidavit will need to be filed out which you sign and submit via mail, fax, in person, or over the phone with a telephonic signature at DSS. North Carolina has 30 days to look over your affidavit and approve/deny. If the affidavit is denied you have the right to a hearing.  

  • How much will I get back?  

You may not get back all of the benefits that were stolen. The replacement benefit will be the lesser of the amount stolen from the household or the amount equal to two months of the monthly allotment of the household immediately prior to the date on which the benefits were stolen.  

  • How many times can I submit a claim?  

You can only ask for your benefits to be replaced two times in a federal fiscal year, which is October 1st – September 30th.  

  • What benefits can be replaced?  

The following benefits can be replaced: regular Food and Nutrition Services, simplified nutritional assistance program (SNAP), Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), and Emergency Allotments (EA). 

For any issues or questions in Mecklenburg County, call our client helpline at 704-376-1600 (English) or 800-247-1931 (Spanish) to leave a voicemail for our Food Stamps intake.  

Regresó el Límite de Tiempo de Tres Meses para el Programa de Cupones de Alimentos

¿Qué es el límite de tiempo de tres meses?

Empezando en julio 1, 2023, si usted es menor de 50 años y no vive con niños, solo podrá recibir cupones de alimentos durante tres meses, a menos que esté trabajando o cumpla con alguna excepción.

Excepciones: NO tiene un límite de tiempo si:

  • Tiene 50 o más. Es menor de 18 años
  • Reside en un hogar con niños, que recibe cupones para alimentos
  • Cuenta con un beneficio basado en discapacidad (Seguro Social, SSI, pensión VA, compensación de trabajadores, seguro privado)
  • No es apto para trabajar en este momento según criterio médico
  • Se encuentra estudiando o tomando clases, al menos media jornada (aplican reglas especiales)
  • Está embarazada
  • Ha solicitado o recibe beneficios de desempleo
  • Se encuentra en un programa de tratamiento de drogas/alcohol o en necesidad de este tratamiento
  • No tiene hogar
  • Cuida a una persona discapacitada
  • No puede trabajar 20 horas a la semana.
  • Se aplican algunas otras excepciones

¿Cómo puedo mantener mis cupones de alimentos si el límite de tiempo me aplica?

  • Trabajar al menos 20 horas a la semana. Dentro de un trabajo, su propio negocio o en cambio de bienes y/o servicios.
  • Ser voluntario 20 horas/semana
  • Realizar capacitación laboral a través de DSS 20 horas/semana
  • Cualquier combinación de las anteriores sumando hasta 20 horas/semana

Llame a su DSS local si tiene preguntas sobre

El límite de tiempo o si necesita ayuda para demostrar que el límite no le aplica. O si desea encontrar opciones de trabajo voluntario o capacitaciones:

Contacte a una de las siguientes organizaciones mencionadas a continuación

Si sus cupones de alimentos fueron suspendidos o negados, o si desea hablar con un abogado sobre sus derechos.

Preguntas frecuentes:

¿Qué debes hacer si crees que una de estas razones le aplica?

Contacte a su DSS local. Si su trabajador de caso determina que una de estas razones le aplica, no será necesario que siga estas Reglas de Límite de Tiempo. Es posible que se requiera evidencia de una excepción o el cumplimiento de los requisitos de trabajo. En tal caso, tiene el derecho de solicitar que el DSS le ayude a recopilar pruebas.

¿Qué sucede si tuve una buena razón para no trabajar?

Si tuvo una “buena causa” para trabajar menos de 20 horas/semana, el DSS no debería terminar sus cupones de alimentos. Buenas causas para no cumplir con las horas de trabajo incluyen enfermedad, problemas de transporte o mal tiempo que haya cerrado el lugar de trabajo. El DSS solicitará pruebas de la buena causa.

¿Qué sucede si mis beneficios de cupones de alimentos se reducen o terminan debido al límite de tiempo pero no debería haberse terminado?

El DSS está obligado a brindarle un aviso por escrito antes de una reducción o terminación propuesta de los beneficios, con al menos 10 días hábiles antes de que tome dicha acción. El aviso debe indicar el motivo de la acción, la fecha efectiva de la acción, el nombre y la información de contacto de la persona con la que debe comunicarse para solicitar más información o solicitar una audiencia justa para impugnar la acción. En la recertificación, su trabajador de caso deberá revisar su elegibilidad para excepciones de manera retroactiva.

Tiene el derecho de solicitar una audiencia si no está de acuerdo con la decisión del DSS. Esta puede ser solicitada contactando a su DSS local en persona, por teléfono o por escrito.

¿Qué otra información debería conocer?

Puede recuperar sus beneficios si comienza a cumplir con los requisitos de trabajo o con alguna de las excepciones. También puede calificar para un segundo período de 3 meses de cupones de alimentos si cumplió con las reglas de trabajo en el pasado. Asegúrese de proporcionar al DSS la información más actualizada sobre su empleo o excepciones.

¿Qué otros recursos alimentarios están disponibles?

  1. WIC: Si tiene un hijo menor de 5 años y/o está embarazada o amamantando, es posible que sea elegible para WIC. Obtenga más información sobre WIC y complete una referencia a WIC en línea en https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwicreferral.
  2. 211: Visite www.nc211.org o marque 211 para conectarse con recursos comunitarios de alimentos.
  3. Bancos de Alimentos: Puedes encontrar bancos de alimentos locales visitando https://www.foodpantries.org/.
  4. NC Care 360: Solicite ayuda o encuentre recursos haciendo clic en la pestaña “Para Individuos” en https://nccare360.org/.
  5. FindHelp: Encuentre alimentos y otros recursos en https://www.findhelp.org/.

The Return of the Three-Month Time Limit for Food Stamps

Updated March, 5 2024

Ver información en Español 

What is the Three-Month Time Limit for Food Stamps? 

Starting July 1, 2023, if you are an adult under 53 (under 55 as of October 1, 2024) who does not live with children, you can only receive food stamps for three months unless you are working or meet an exception. These are known as the ABAWD rules (Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents). These requirements may only apply to some people in your household. 

The ABAWD time limit was suspended through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act beginning on April 1, 2020. The three-month time limit returned to North Carolina on July 1st, 2023.  

Exceptions – You do NOT have a time limit if you are: 

  • Age 53 or older (55 or older as of October 1, 2024)
  • Under age 18
  • Living with children (even if not yours)
  • Pregnant
  • Foster children under age 25 (had to be in foster care at the time of their 18th birthday)
  • In school or taking classes at least part-time (special rules apply; exempted through work registration rules)
  • Veterans (includes all branches, reserve components and National Guard, regardless of discharge characterization)
  • Receiving a disability-based benefit (Social Security, SSI, VA pension, Workers Comp, private insurance)
  • Caring for a disabled person or child under 6 (does not need to live in same household; exempted through work registration rules)
  • Unfit for work at this time according to a doctor’s office
  • Unable to work 20 hours per week
  • Applying for or getting Unemployment Benefits (exempted through work registration rules)
  • If you are making over $217.50 per week, regardless of number of hours worked (exempted through work registration rules)
  • In a drug or alcohol treatment program or in need of that treatment
  • Homeless
  • Some other exceptions apply

How can I keep my food stamps if the time limit applies to me? 

  1. Work at least 20 hours/week, including at a job, your own business, or in exchange for goods or services 
  1. Do job training through DSS 20 hours/week 
  1. Volunteer 20 hours/week 
  1. Any combination of the above 

Call your local Department of Social Services (DSS) if you have questions about the time limit, you need help showing the limit does not apply to you, or to find volunteer work or training:

Mecklenburg County

Phone number: 704-336-3000

Wallace H. Kuralt Centre
301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211

Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center
430 Stitt Road, Charlotte, NC 28213

Community Resource Center
3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208

Union County

Phone number: 704-296-4300
2330 Concord Ave, Monroe, NC 28110

Cabarrus County

Phone number: 704-920-1400
1303 S Cannon Blvd, Kannapolis, NC 28083

Contact one of the organizations below if your food stamps are stopped or denied, or if you would like to speak with a lawyer about your rights. FREE legal assistance is available:

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy

Mecklenburg County
English: 704-376-1600
Spanish: 800-247-1931

Legal Aid of North Carolina

All other NC counties

Pisgah Legal Services

Western NC

Frequently Asked Questions 

What should you do if you believe one of the exceptions apply to you? 

Contact your local DSS. If your caseworker finds that one of these reasons apply to you, you will not need to follow these Time Limit Rules. Proof of an exception or meeting the work requirements may be required. If so, you have the right to request that DSS assist you in gathering proof.  

What if I have a good reason for missing work? 

If you have a “good cause” for working under 20 hours/week, DSS should not terminate your food stamps. Good causes for missing hours of work include: illness, transportation issues, or bad weather that shut down the workplace. DSS will ask for proof of the good cause. 

What if my Food Stamp benefits are reduced or end due to the time limit but should not have been?  

DSS is required to give you advanced written notice of a proposed reduction or termination of benefits of at least 10 business days before they take such action. The notice must state the reason for the action, the effective date of the action, and the name and contact information of the person to contact to request more information or to request a fair hearing to challenge the action. At recertification, your caseworker must review your eligibility for exceptions retroactively. 

You have the right to request a hearing if you do not agree with DSS’s decision. You can request a hearing by contacting your local DSS in person, by telephone, or in writing.  

What else should I know? 

You can get your benefits back if you start meeting the work requirements or an exception. You may also qualify for a second 3-month period of food stamps if you met the work rules in the past. Make sure you are providing DSS with the most current information regarding your employment or exceptions.  

What other food resources are available?  

  1. WIC: If you have a child under 5 and/or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may be eligible for WIC. Learn more about WIC and complete a WIC referral online at https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwicreferral.  
  1. 211: Visit www.nc211.org or dial 211 to be connected to community food resources. 
  1. Food Pantries: You can find local food pantries by visiting https://www.foodpantries.org.
  1. NC Care 360: Request help or find resources by clicking the “For Individuals” tab on https://nccare360.org.  
  1. FindHelp: Find food and other resources at https://www.findhelp.org.

Emergency Food Stamp Allotments End This Month Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy Shares Four Steps for Those Impacted

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is raising awareness of a sudden pandemic-related public benefit decrease that will impact many low-income families. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service announced that the temporary increase in SNAP benefits (known as food stamps) put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic will end this February. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 law recently passed by Congress ends the emergency allotment of an additional $95 per month or more that families have received since March 2020. There will be no emergency allotment included in families’ March 2023 benefit. More information is available on the USDA’s website; easy to understand resources for families affected can be found on the Advocacy Center’s website.

The Advocacy Center has four recommendations for North Carolina residents:

  1. Review current SNAP benefits through www.ebtedge.com, the EBTEdge mobile app or by calling the North Carolina EBT Call Center at 1-888-622-7328.
  2. Compare. Those not already receiving the maximum monthly benefit may be able to increase benefits by reporting changes, including certain income and expenses.
  3. Contact DSS to report changes.
    a. There are several circumstances that may result in increased benefits such as: decreased income, increases in rent, mortgage or property taxes, and added expenses of caring for a child or disabled adult.
    b. The Advocacy Center also encourages heads of households to ensure the Department of Social Services has their current address.
  4. Call an advocate if something goes wrong. Those who have taken the above steps and still think something is wrong with their food stamps should contact a legal advocate for assistance. The Advocacy Center helps those in Mecklenburg County, and Legal Aid of North Carolina and Pisgah Legal Services provide support for those in surrounding areas.

About Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides those in need with information, advice and advocacy in consumer protection, home preservation, health care access and public benefits, immigration, tax assistance and more. Our mission is to pursue justice for those in need. Our vision is to build a just community, where all people are treated fairly and have access to legal representation to meet their basic human needs of safety, economic security, and stability. Learn more: charlottelegaladvocacy.org

Extra Food Stamps are Ending

Obtenga más información en Español 

What are the Food Stamp Emergency Allotments? 

Since March 2020, households received an extra $95 or more in Food Stamp benefits per month. These temporary pandemic related increases were authorized by Congress to help meet food needs. Due to recent action by the federal government, these extra payments are ending. February will be the last month households will receive this extra payment.  

What should I do? 

Review your current Food Stamp Benefit amount:

You can check your FNS/emergency allotment balance and transaction history three ways:  

  • Visit website www.ebtedge.com. Click on Cardholder Login, create an account, and add your EBT card number. 
  • Download and use the EBT Edge mobile app (can be downloaded on Google Play or Apple Store).  
  • Contact the North Carolina EBT Call Center at 1-888-622-7328 

Regular monthly FNS benefits are issued between the 3rd and 21st of every month. Emergency allotments are issued on or after the 22nd of the month. Starting in March, you will only receive this first payment.  

Compare your information:

If you are not already receiving the maximum monthly benefit for your household, you may be able to increase your benefits amount by updating your information.  

Household SizeMaximum Monthly Benefit
Each additional person+$211

Report changes that may help you increase your benefits:

  • INCOME: Did you lose work hours or have your pay cut?
  • SHELTER: Did your rent, mortgage, or property taxes increase?
  • DEPENDENT CARE: Are you paying more for child care or care of a disabled adult?
  • MEDICAL EXPENSES: Does anyone in your household who is 60 or older or has a disability have medical costs over $35/month? This includes the cost of medical services, medical supplies, health insurance premiums, copays, prescription and over-the-counter medications, and more.
  • CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS: Are you legally obligated to pay child support?
  • YOUR ADDRESS: This will not impact your benefit level, but you may miss important updates if DSS does not have your current address.

Contact your local DSS to report changes and/or find out if your expense qualifies as a deduction:

Contact your DSS caseworker (if you have one), go to the DSS office in person, or call their customer service number. You can also appeal if you believe your regular, monthly benefits were improperly calculated. 

Local DSS Offices:

  • Mecklenburg County
    • 704-336-3000
    • Wallace H. Kuralt Centre, 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211
    • Community Resource Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208
  • Union County
    • 704-296-4300
    • 2330 Concord Avenue Monroe, NC 28110
  • Cabarrus County
    • 704-920-1400
    • 1303 S. Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083

If something goes wrong, contact an advocate: 

If you have taken the above steps and still think something is wrong with your food stamps case, contact a legal advocate for assistance. 

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy
(Mecklenburg County)
704-376-1600 | Linea de Español 800-247-1931

Legal Aid of North Carolina
(statewide except for counties served by Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Pisgah Legal Services)
866-219-LANC (5262) | legalaidnc.org

Pisgah Legal Services
(Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, Qualla Boundary)
800-489-6144 | pisgahlegal.org

What other food resources are available?  

  • WIC: If you have a child under 5 and/or pregnant or breastfeeding, you may be eligible for WIC. Learn more about WIC and complete a WIC referral online at https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwicreferral.  
  • 211: Visit www.nc211.org or dial 211 to be connected to community food resources. 
  • NC Care 360: Request help or find resources by clicking the “For Individuals” tab on https://nccare360.org/  

Cupones de Alimentos Adicionales Terminan 

¿Qué son las asignaciones de emergencia de cupones para alimentos?

Desde marzo 2020, hogares recibieron $95 o más en beneficios de cupones de alimentos (FNS por sus siglas en inglés) adicionales por mes. Estos aumentos temporales relacionados con la pandemia fueron autorizados por el Congreso para ayudar a satisfacer sus necesidades alimentarias. Debido a la reciente acción del gobierno federal, estos pagos adicionales están terminando. Febrero será el último mes en que recibirán este pago adicional.    

¿Qué debo hacer? 

Revise la cantidad actual de sus Cupones de Alimentos:

Puede verificar su saldo de FNS /asignaciones de emergencia y el historial de transacciones de tres maneras:  

  • Visite el sitio web www.ebtedge.com. Haga clic en Inicio de sesión del titular de la tarjeta, cree una cuenta y agregue su número de tarjeta EBT.    
  • Descargue y use la aplicación móvil EBT Edge (se puede descargar en Google Play o Apple Store).  
  • Comuníquese con el Centro de llamadas EBT de Carolina del Norte al 1-888-622-7328.   

Los beneficios de FNS regulares son depositados entre el día 3 y 21 de cada mes. Las asignaciones de emergencia se depositan a partir del día 22 de cada mes.  Febrero será el último mes en que recibirán este pago adicional.  

Compare su información:

Si no está recibiendo el beneficio mensual máximo para su hogar, es posible que pueda aumentar su monto de beneficios actualizando su información. 

Miembros del Hogar ElegiblesBeneficio mensual máximo
Cada persona adicional+$211

Reporte cambios que podrían ayudarle a aumentar sus beneficios:

  • INGRESOS: ¿Perdió horas de trabajo o le redujeron el salario?   
  • VIVIENDA: ¿Aumentaron su renta, hipoteca o impuestos de propiedad?  
  • CUIDADO DE DEPENDIENTES: ¿Está pagando más por el cuidado de niños o el cuidado de un adulto discapacitado?   
  • GASTOS MÉDICOS: ¿Alguien en su hogar de 60 años o más o que tenga una discapacidad tiene costos médicos más de $ 35 / mes? Esto incluye el costo de servicios médicos, suministros médicos, primas de seguro de salud, copagos, medicamentos recetados y de venta libre, y más.   
  • PAGOS DE MANUTENCIÓN INFANTIL: ¿Está legalmente obligado a pagar manutención infantil?   
  • SU DIRECCIÓN: Esto no afectará su nivel de beneficios, pero puede perderse actualizaciones importantes si el Departamento de Servicios Sociales (DSS) no tiene su dirección actual. 

Comuníquese con su oficina de DSS local para informar cambios y/o averiguar si su gasto califica como una deducción: 

Comuníquese con su trabajador de DSS (si tiene uno), vaya a la oficina de DSS en persona o llame al número de servicio al cliente. También puede apelar si cree que sus beneficios mensuales regulares fueron calculados incorrectamente. 

Oficinas locales de DSS:

  • Condado de Mecklenburg
    • 704-336-3000
    • Wallace H. Kuralt Centre, 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211
    • Community Resource Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208
  • Condado de Union
    • 704-296-4300
    • 2330 Concord Avenue Monroe, NC 28110
  • Condado de Cabarrus
    • 704-920-1400
    • 1303 S. Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083

Si algo malo sucede, comuníquese con un defensor:

Si ha seguido los pasos anteriores y aún piensa que algo está mal con su caso de cupones de alimento, comuníquese con un representante legal para obtener ayuda. 

El Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte
(Condado de Mecklenburg)
704-376-1600 | Linea de Español 800-247-1931

Asistencia Legal de Carolina del Norte
(en todo el estado excepto en condados atendidos por el Centro de Apoyo Legal Charlotte y Servicios Legales Pisgah)
866-219-LANC (5262) | legalaidnc.org

Servicios Legales de Pisgah
(Condados de Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, y Yancey, Qualla Boundary)
800-489-6144 | pisgahlegal.org

¿Qué otros recursos alimentarios están disponibles?

  • WIC: Si tiene un hijo/a menor de 5 años y/o está embarazada o amamantando, puede ser elegible para WIC. Obtenga más información sobre WIC y complete una referencia de WIC en línea en https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwicreferral.  
  • 211: Visite nc211.org o marque 211 para conectarse con recursos alimenticios comunitarios.
  • NC Care 360: Solicite ayuda o busque recursos haciendo clic en la pestaña “For Individuals” en https://nccare360.org/.  

Mecklenburg’s food stamp delays catch eye of legal advocates as immigrants still wait | The Charlotte Observer

By DJ Simmons

Read more at: Legal advocates hone in on Mecklenburg’s food stamp delay | Charlotte Observer

Most Mecklenburg County households receiving food stamp benefits can expect an increase this month, but an ongoing delay with applications has spread to Charlotte’s immigrant community — and catching the attention of legal advocates.

Charlotte Center of Legal Advocacy generally fields a few calls daily from clients seeking help with food stamp applications or recertifications. But after public records revealed Mecklenburg County had continued delays, the advocacy center in August sent out a tweet asking anyone facing problems with their applications to contact them, Dee Grano, a spokeswoman with the center said.

“We’re paying very close attention to the situation and are always looking for ways to effectively advocate for our clients, but larger legal action remains to be seen at this point,” Grano said in an email.

In the past few months, the center has seen the number of requests for help spike. “Where I used to get maybe two or three calls a day, we’re now getting three times that — if not more,” says Elizabeth Setaro, a paralegal advocate who works with the immigrant community. Her client, Elida Valdez as of Friday is still waiting for benefits she applied for early in July.

She decided to apply for medicaid and food stamps after giving birth to her third child in May. Valdez, who is from Guatemala, was leery of applying for food stamps and concerned it may affect her immigration status, including her reapplication for her U Visa. The documentation is granted to victims of certain crimes. But since her children are U.S. citizens, they could receive the benefit, her attorney told her. Valdez told the Charlotte Observer she received a letter from Mecklenburg County’s Department of Social Services asking for additional documents in August, roughly a month after she applied. After turning those in, a week later Valdez received a call stating the documents were never received.

After several more calls, social services said it did have all of her documents, but by then it was too late, she said. “At that point, they had already terminated the case,” Valdez, 25, said.

Legal advocates home in on Mecklenburg’s food stamp delay | Charlotte Observer

Food and Nutrition Services Change: October 2022


Almost all Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) households, known as SNAP nationwide, will see an increase in their FNS benefits on October 1, 2022. These changes will be made automatically; households did not need to take any action. For more information, visit:  SNAP Benefit Changes.

Why will FNS benefits increase in October 2022?

Almost all FNS households will see an increase in their FNS benefits to account for changes in the cost of living.  Maximum FNS benefits, which are tied to food inflation, will increase by about 12% starting October 1, 2022. This increase is about $26-$31 per person per month.

The table below shows maximum FNS benefit amounts for households ending September 30, 2022) and what the new maximum benefit will be starting October 2022:

Household SizeOct 2021-Sept 2022
Maximum FNS Benefit
Oct 2022-Sept 2023
Maximum FNS Benefit
1$250 $281
2$459 $516
3$658 $740
4$835 $939

In addition, North Carolina is still providing monthly pandemic-related Emergency Allotments to FNS households. This is typically a supplement of up to $95 if households are already receiving the maximum or close to the maximum. These supplements are added to households’ EBT cards later in the month than their regular monthly allotment. Households will see a decrease in their total monthly benefits when the temporary pandemic-related Emergency Allotments end in North Carolina. PLEASE NOTE: February 2023 will be the last month households will receive this extra payment.  

What happens after the Emergency Allotments ends?

The total amount of FNS benefits you receive each month will change when North Carolina stops issuing Emergency Allotments.  February 2023 will be the last month households will receive this extra payment.  

In general, your monthly FNS benefit amount may change based on your household’s circumstances, such as your income, the number of people in your household, and certain expenses you pay for.

You should continue reporting changes in your household circumstances to your local Department of Social Services (DSS).  

How can Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy help?

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy fights to help families put food on the table and avoid food insecurity. We can help by:

  • Providing representation in appeals of overpayment claims, including Intentional Program Violations (IPVs), Inadvertent Household Errors (IHEs), and Agency Errors (AEs)
  • Disputing incorrect calculations of overpayment amounts or monthly benefit levels

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy also advocates for policies at the state and federal level that promote equity in and improved access to food support programs and resources.

American Rescue Plan Offers Relief

Third COVID-19 Relief Package Passes as Pandemic Marks One Year  

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law as the largest and most recent COVID-19 relief package extending $1.9 trillion dollars in aid to families, businesses, nonprofits, and states. This third round of aid comes as Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy marks a full year fighting to support families under the pandemic.  

And our work is far from done. 

As we learn more about how the plan’s programs and funding will be implemented, we will update our website and social media accordingly. Please contact us at the appropriate numbers below if you or your family are struggling and need assistance.   

This list is not exhaustive, and the bill contains programs and funding not listed here.   

Here is what we know so far:  


The American Rescue Plan includes a third round of tax-free economic stimulus payments. 

In this version, the maximum payment is $1,400 per qualified individual or $2,800 for a couple. In addition, payments are now available for all dependents, including children in college and elderly relatives. Children of mixed-immigration status families with valid social security numbers are also eligible for the stimulus payments

The additional amount for dependents is significantly higher – $1,400 per eligible dependent. 

As before, economic stimulus payments are phased out, based on adjusted gross income. However, the upper threshold is reduced from $100,000 of adjusted gross income to $80,000 for single filers and from $200,000 down to $160,000 for joint filers. Payments for dependents are also phased out under these thresholds. 

The IRS expects to begin sending out payments in March. 

Third Economic Stimulus Payments Will Be Based on 2019 or 2020 Tax Returns: 

The American Rescue Plan provides that if your 2020 tax return is not filed and processed by the time the IRS starts processing your third stimulus payment, the tax agency will use information from your 2019 tax return. If your 2020 return is already filed and processed when the IRS is ready to send your payment, then your stimulus check eligibility and amount will be based on information from your 2020 return.  

If your 2020 return is filed and/or processed after the IRS sends you a stimulus check, but before July 15, 2021 (or September 1 if the April 15 filing deadline is pushed back), the IRS will send you a second payment for the difference between what your payment should have been if based on your 2020 return and the payment sent based on your 2019 return. 

If you have questions about the economic impact payments, contact a tax advocate at 980-202-7329   

Child Support Won’t Be Taken Out of Stimulus Checks

As with second-round checks, third stimulus checks will not be reduced to pay child support arrears. 

Wage Garnishment:

The COVID-Related Tax Relief Act prevented garnishment of second-round stimulus checks by creditors or debt collectors. They could not be lost in bankruptcy proceedings, either. The IRS also had to encode direct deposit second-round payments so that banks knew they could not be garnished. This is in contrast with the CARES Act, which did not provide similar protections for first-round payments. These protections are included for the third stimulus payment as well.

Under the American Rescue Plan, payments will be protected from reduction or offset to pay federal taxes, state income taxes, debts owed to federal agencies, and unemployment compensation debts. (As well as child support, as was discussed above.) However, as with first-round checks under the CARES Act, there will be no additional protections against garnishment by private creditors or debt collectors for third-round payments.

Earned Income Credit 

The American Rescue Plan expands the Earned Income Tax Credit for 2021, raising the maximum credit for childless adults from roughly $530 to close to $1,500, while also increasing the income limit for the credit from about $16,000 to about $21,000, and expanding the age range that is eligible by eliminating the age cap for older workers. 

Child Tax Credit

The American Rescue Plan includes changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Under current law, the CTC is equal to $2,000 for each qualified child under age 17 who resides with you for at least six months of the year. Up to $1,400 of this amount is refundable, but the credit begins to phase out at $200,000 of adjusted gross income for single filers and $400,000 for joint filers. 

This credit will not go into effect until the 2021 tax year, which will be filed in Spring 2022.

The new law provides the following revisions for the 2021 tax year: 

  • An increase in the CTC to $3,600 per qualified child under age six and $3,000 for a child up to age 17. 
  • An additional $500 credit is available for dependent children in college who are under age 24. 
  • The credit is fully refundable. 
  • The phaseout begins at lower levels of $75,000 of adjusted gross income for single filers and $150,000 for joint filers. But many higher-income families can still claim the $2,000 credit subject to the prior phaseout rules. 

Finally, the IRS will make advance payments of the credit, beginning in July. The exact logistics of that process are still being worked out. 

Dependent Care Credits 

The American Rescue Plan substantially increases the Dependent Care Credit for many moderate-to-high income taxpayers. 

Presently, the Dependent Care Credit is available for qualified expenses of caring for children under age 13 to allow you (and your spouse, if married) to be gainfully employed. The credit is generally equal to 20 percent of the first $3,000 of qualified expenses for one child and $6,000 for two or more children. Thus, the maximum credits are $600 and $1,200, respectively. 

The new law enhances the Dependent Care Credit for the 2021 tax year.

It increases the maximum credit to $4,000 for one child and $8,000 for two or more children for households with an adjusted gross income of up to $125,000. But the credit will be reduced below 20% for those with an adjusted gross income of more than $400,000. Finally, the credit for 2021 is refundable. 

This credit will not go into effect until the 2021 tax year, which will be filed in Spring 2022.

Student Loan Forgiveness Credit 

If a debt is forgiven or cancelled, it generally results in taxable income to the debtor. However, in limited cases, debts of student loans that are forgiven may be exempt from tax. 

The American Rescue Plan effectively creates a tax exemption for student loans made, insured or guaranteed by the federal or state governments, as well as loans from private lenders and educational institutions. This does not apply, however, to loans that are discharged in exchange for services rendered.

This provision is effective beginning with the 2021 tax year and lasts through the 2025 tax year but could be extended or made permanent. 

Taxes on Unemployment Benefits  

The American Rescue Plan exempts from federal income tax up to $10,200 of unemployment benefits received in 2020 by a family with an adjusted gross income under $150,000. Normally, those benefits would be fully taxable. This tax break is intended to help taxpayers who might be blindsided by an unexpected tax bill on their 2020 returns. 

Please note that states can still tax unemployment benefits as income.


The American Rescue Plan extends the CARES Act’s unemployment insurance expansion through Sept. 6, 2021. Specifically, this act:   

Provides an additional $300 per week to on top of what beneficiaries are getting through their state unemployment insurance program. 

The first $10,200 of jobless benefits accrued in 2020 would be non-taxable for households with incomes under $150,000. Please note that states can still tax unemployment benefits as income.

Extends the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, which provides continued unemployment assistance to the self-employed, freelancers, gig workers, part-time workers and other individuals in non-traditional employment. It also increases the number of weeks of PUA benefits an individual may claim, from 50 to 79;  

Extends the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program, providing additional weeks of federally-funded benefits to workers who have exhausted their regular state unemployment benefits. It also increases the weeks of PEUC benefits an individual may claim, from 24 to 53.  

Apply for unemployment at the Department of Employment Security website or call 1-888-737-0259.


The plan provides $25 billion for emergency rental assistance, including $5 billion for emergency housing vouchers for people experiencing homelessness, survivors of domestic violence and victims of human trafficking.  

The plan also sends roughly $20 billion to state and local governments to help low-income households cover back rent, rent assistance and utility bills. There is $4.5 billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to help families with home heating and cooling costs. 

You can apply for utility assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program or RAMP Charlotte


Millions of families across the country are struggling to put food on the table. This act addresses food insecurity by:  

  • Extending the current 15 percent increase in food stamp benefits through September 2021, instead of letting it expire at the end of June. 
  • Providing $880 million for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to help increase participation and temporarily improve benefits 
  • Allowing states to continue the Pandemic-EBT (PEBT) program through summer for families with children who qualify for free and reduced meals in school. The program gives families financial assistance to replace the meals the kids would have received if schools had not been closed due to COVID-19. 

If you need assistance with applying for SNAP, PEBT, or other public benefits, contact our Family Support and Healthcare team at 704-376-1600.  


The plan includes a number of provisions to increase access to child care, including an additional $15 billion through Sept. 30, 2021 for the Child Care and Development Block Grant. 

It does not reinstate mandatory paid family and sick leave approved in the CARES Act. But it will continue to provide tax credits to employers who voluntarily choose to offer the benefit through October 1, 2021. 


Many federal student loans are continuing in forbearance, which is scheduled to end October 1. If student loan debt is forgiven after December 31, 2020, and before January 1, 2026, the cancelled debt won’t be taxed. 


More Help to Pay for Health Coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The American Rescue Plan provides financial assistance to help consumers get health insurance through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare).  

Under the plan, consumers can receive increased premium tax credits to pay for coverage in 2021 and 2022, eliminating or reducing premiums for millions of current Marketplace enrollees to ensure that no one on the exchange spends more than 8.5 percent of their income on coverage premiums, regardless of their income level.  

This reduces the current 9.83 percent limit for people with income of 300 to 400 percent of the poverty line and establishes a new premium cap for Marketplace enrollees with higher incomes.  

Under the bill, people with income below 150 percent of the poverty line (about $19,000 for a single person and $39,000 for a family of four) would pay no premiums for a benchmark plan, after accounting for premium tax credits. Families who make more will pay a fixed percentage of income toward Marketplace health coverage.  

This will significantly reduce premiums for people who are currently eligible for financial help by increasing their premium tax credits. For example: 

  • A single individual making $18,000 would pay zero net premium rather than $54 per month (3.6 percent of income) and would qualify for the most generous subsidies for deductibles and other cost-sharing amounts.
  • A single individual making $30,000 would pay $85 rather than $195 per month in premiums (3.4 instead of 7.8 percent of income) and would qualify for a plan with reduced deductibles and other cost-sharing amounts. Or, with the bigger subsidy, the same person could opt to buy a gold plan with lower cost-sharing charges for $115 per month.
  • A family of four making $50,000 would pay $67 rather than $252 per month in premiums for benchmark coverage (1.6 instead of 6.0 percent of their income) and would qualify for generous cost-sharing reductions.
  • A family of four making $75,000 would pay $340 rather than $588 per month in premiums for benchmark coverage (5.4 instead of 9.4 percent of their income). A typical family could purchase a gold plan with lower deductibles and other cost sharing for about $440 per month (roughly 7 percent of income). 

An open enrollment period will begin November 1 for anyone who wants to sign up for health insurance or change their current Marketplace plan. 

Streamlines process to qualify for ACA subsidies 

The package also enhances premium tax credits (financial assistance) for people who receive unemployment benefits in 2021 by setting their Marketplace eligibility at a projected income levels that guarantee they will get the most generous premium tax credits under an ACA Marketplace plan, regardless of what their actual year-end income ultimately is. This includes people who have previously found themselves in the Medicaid gap. 

The package also eliminates the need to repay ACA subsidies from 2020. Some people lost their jobs early last year but later got new ones and saw higher earnings than they had expected. Others worked additional hours or received bonus pay as essential workers. Under this plan, low- and moderate-income families are exempt from having to repay the premium tax credit (financial assistance) they received in 2020. 

COBRA premiums covered 

Under the relief plan, the government would pay the entire COBRA premium from April 1 through Sept. 30, 2021 for those who lost employer-based coverage due to lay-offs or working reduced hours.  

A person who qualifies for new, employer-based health insurance someplace else before Sept. 30 would lose eligibility for the no-cost COBRA coverage. Someone who leaves a job voluntarily would not be eligible either. 

Incentivizes States to Expand Medicaid Eligibility  

The plan incentivizes states that still have not expanded their Medicaid programs (like North Carolina) to expand eligibility for adults by increasing matching federal funds (raising the state’s Federal Medical Assistance Percentage by 5 percentage points) over two years. 

In North Carolina, this means more than 500,000 residents in the Medicaid gap (those who currently make too little to receive financial help for Marketplace coverage and make too much to qualify for Medicaid) would finally have access to coverage and the health care at a time when they need it most. 

This incentive would pump $2.4 billion new federal dollars into the state in just two years if N.C. is willing to take advantage of it. 

States choosing to expand would be required to maintain Medicaid coverage levels to receive the increase, including the newly established requirement to cover COVID-19 vaccine and treatment (see below). 

Covers COVID Testing and Treatment 

The plan also requires Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage of COVID-19 vaccines and treatment without beneficiary cost sharing. Vaccines and vaccine administration costs would be matched at 100 percent until one year after the end of the Pandemic Health Emergency. States also would have the option to provide coverage to the uninsured for COVID-19 vaccines and treatment without cost sharing at 100 percent. Everyone should have access to COVID testing, treatment, and vaccinations regardless of income, insurance, or immigration status.  

Expands Access to Postpartum and Child Health Care 

The plan also gives states five years to extend their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility to include pregnant individuals for 12 months postpartum. States choosing this option must provide the full Medicaid benefit for pregnant and postpartum individuals during the 12-month postpartum period. 

Increased Funds for Home and Community-Based Services 

The plan provides temporary one-year FMAP increase to improve home-and-community-based-services as well as FMAP increases for services provided through the Urban Indian Organizations and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems. The bill also would provide funding to states for the creation of nursing home strike teams to assist in managing COVID-19 outbreaks when they occur. 

Option to create new Medicaid Program for Crisis Intervention Services 

The plan gives states five years to creates a new optional Medicaid covered service for adults by offering mobile crisis intervention services for adults experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. 

Have questions about how this plan impacts your coverage options or access to health care? Contact our Family Support and Health Care team by calling 704-376-1600