justice lives here.

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy helps people in the Charlotte, North Carolina, region who cannot afford legal services, but desperately need them. Without legal representation in civil matters, thousands of families can lose access to financial security, healthcare, housing and opportunity.

The impact goes far beyond our neighbors in need. It affects our entire community.



The number of individuals Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy serves each year through individual representation in the Charlotte area.

300,000 +

The number of Mecklenburg County residents who are eligible for our services and in need of legal assistance but unable to afford private lawyers.


The number of adults and children we who received free legal screenings in the Charlotte Immigration Court last year, helping them prepare for court proceedings when they cannot find or afford representation.


The amount of money Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy receives from the Legal Services Corporation. We gave up this funding to continue our committed advocacy work and service to vulnerable populations.

$11.6 m

The amount of financial benefits earned on behalf of clients through our assistance last year.


The amount of money that goes back into North Carolina’s economy for every dollar invested in legal aid providers like Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy.