Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment FAQ

When is Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace?

Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace ( happens between November 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025.

Is there still a penalty for not having health insurance?

Effective January 1, 2019, there is no longer a penalty for not having health insurance.

Which health insurance companies will be offering plans in 2025 in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, and Union counties?

The plans offered for Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, and Union Counties are Aetna, Ambetter, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United Healthcare, and WellCare.

I already have coverage. How can I get ready to apply for 2025 Marketplace health coverage?

If you already have a account, make sure you are able to log in. If your household size or income has changed, gather supporting documentation such as tax returns from last year or recent pay stubs. You may be required to provide copies of these documents to the Marketplace. Please note plans have changed! You can schedule a free appointment with a Navigator to discuss your options and make sure you are enrolled in the best plan for you and your family.

What happens if I don’t sign up?

If you can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, you may face high out-of-pocket costs if you have a medical emergency or need to visit a doctor. Use the window-shopping tool on to take a look at the plans offered in your area; financial assistance may be available for you and your family. Your premium may be less than you think!

Can I just wait and have my current plan automatically renewed?

Even if you’re happy with your plan and you don’t have any life changes to report (like moving to a new state or changes in your income or household), you should still go back through the application and make sure all your information is up to date to ensure that you are receiving all the financial assistance you are eligible for. You can also take a look at the health plans being offered in your area. You might benefit from a change, and you never know until you compare. You can do this yourself by logging into your account or by calling the Marketplace directly at 1-800-318-2596. You can also make an appointment with a navigator to go over your options, so call today!

When is my coverage going to start if I enroll or update my application after December 15, 2024?

If you enroll in a plan or update your application after December 15, 2024, your new coverage will start on February 1, 2025.

I no longer have coverage or lost my coverage during 2024; what are my options?

Even if you lost coverage this year, you may still qualify for financial assistance and can enroll in an affordable health plan for next year. You can log back into your Marketplace account, call the Marketplace, or meet with a navigator to start a new application for 2025.

I am eligible for health benefits at work, but I want to see if I can get a better deal on the Marketplace. Can I do that? 

Yes, you can always shop for coverage on, assuming you meet other eligibility requirements. However, if you have access to affordable job-based coverage through your employer or your spouse’s employer, you may not qualify for financial assistance in the Marketplace. It is important to have information about your employer coverage offer when you complete a Marketplace application. The Employer-Sponsored Insurance Affordability threshold for 2025 is 9.02% of annual income for the Cost of Family coverage.

I have COBRA, but it’s too expensive. Can I drop it during Open Enrollment and enroll in a Marketplace plan instead?

During Open Enrollment, you can sign up for a Marketplace plan even if you already have COBRA. You will have to drop your COBRA coverage effective on the date your new Marketplace plan coverage begins. After Open Enrollment ends, however, if you voluntarily drop your COBRA coverage or stop paying premiums, you will not be eligible for a special enrollment opportunity. You will have to wait until the next Open Enrollment period. Only exhaustion of your COBRA coverage triggers a special enrollment opportunity.

How can I find out if my doctor and/or prescription medication is in a health plan’s network? 

Each plan sold on provides a link to its health provider directory and prescription drug formulary so consumers can find out if their health providers and medications are included.

I am not currently working. Although I do not have income, should I still review my healthcare options for 2025?

YES! Although you are not currently working, the Marketplace application asks for information about your anticipated income for the following year. Therefore, you can estimate your potential income for 2025 even if you are not working right now. You can always update your income using the Marketplace application. Navigators can walk you through your options. Schedule a free appointment, in person or virtually, by calling 980-256-3782 or going online to

You may also be now eligible for Medicaid under Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina. The Navigators will be able to assist you in understanding your eligibility and finding the best plan to fit your needs and protect you and your family. Click here to learn more.

What if I need help?

Navigators are available in your area and taking appointments, but we anticipate that appointments will fill up quickly! As always, appointments are free and available at convenient times. Appointments are available at over 20 convenient locations, including our office. Walk-in times are also available at our office Wednesdays 5:30pm-8:30pm and Saturdays 9:00am-3:00pm. Call 980-256-3782 or go online to to schedule an appointment today.

Facts that you need to know about DACA and the lawfully present final rule/Datos que necesita saber sobre DACA y el reglamento final sobre residentes legalmente presentes

Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion in NC: Are you Eligible?

Medicaid is a federal and state-funded health insurance program that provides full coverage for some vulnerable low-income North Carolinians. It improves access to healthcare and health outcomes for North Carolinians by increasing access to primary care providers, regular checkups, preventative care, and care for chronic conditions.

There are many different types or categories of Medicaid, each with its own income limits compared to the federal poverty line (FPL). Medicaid expansion is the newly implemented program in the state of North Carolina, covering adults aged 19-64 who meet the income requirements. This expands coverage to college students, working parents, childless adults, and more.

Have questions or think you may be eligible? Make a free appointment with a Health Insurance Navigator at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy Call 980-256-3782 or visit the website to schedule your free phone appointment today!

  • On March 27, 2023, Governor Cooper signed the Medicaid Expansion into law.
  • NC is the 41st state to expand Medicaid (Including the District of Columbia)
  • As July 2024, more than 500,000 people have enrolled in MXP

Who will be able to get health coverage through NC Medicaid?

Most people can get health care coverage through NC Medicaid if they meet the criteria below. If you were eligible before, you still are. Eligibility criteria:

  • You live in North Carolina
  • Age 19 through 64
  • You are a citizen (some non-U.S. citizens can get health coverage through NC Medicaid)
  • If your household income fits within the following chart:

Click here for a Medicaid PDF with more information.

What should I do?

To apply contact your local DSS office or schedule a free appointment with a Health Insurance Navigator by calling 980-256-3782 or visiting

  • Contact your local DSS office to make sure they have your current mailing address, phone number, email, and other contact information.
    • Local DSS Offices:
      • Mecklenburg County
        • 704-336-3000
        • Wallace H. Kuralt Centre, 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211
        • Community Resource Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208
      • Union County
        • 704-296-4300
        • 2330 Concord Avenue Monroe, NC 28110
      • Cabarrus County
        • 704-920-1400
        • 1303 S. Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083
  • Watch for mail, texts, or phone calls from DSS and respond promptly. 
  • Create an enhanced E-Pass account (
    • View your benefits,
    • Upload documents supporting any changes, like income or household size,
    • Update your information online

If you are denied and think it is wrong, we may be able to help. Call 704-376-1600 (select public benefits option) or make an appointment online.

You have the right to:

You have the right to appeal.

If you believe there has been an error, you can appeal that decision. You have 60 days (about 2 months) from the date of the notice to ask for an appeal. If you do so within 10 business days, you can request that your Medicaid be continued while the appeal is reviewed. Call 704-376-1600 and press 2 (public benefits) for more information or make an appointment online.

Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) are available for Medicare and Marketplace coverage. 

Individuals who are no longer eligible for Medicaid may be eligible to enroll in Medicare or Marketplace coverage with a special enrollment period.

Health Insurance Navigators

NC Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP)

  • SHIIP counselors offer free and unbiased information regarding Medicare health care products and eligibility
  • 1-855-408-1212

Free legal assistance may be available.

If you think your Medicaid was wrongfully reduced or terminated, call 704-376-1600 and press 2 (public benefits) or make an appointment online.

For more helpful resources, visit

¡Asiste a Nuestra Fiesta de Regreso a Clases!

El Centro de Defensa Legal de Charlotte se está asociando con YMCA of Greater Charlotte para organizar una fiesta de regreso a clases en Veterans Park Pavilion (2126 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205) el jueves 25 de julio de 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.

El evento está diseñado para toda la familia y ofrece una ventanilla única para recursos locales sin fines de lucro, incluidos exámenes de salud, vacunas, beneficios públicos y más. Se proporcionará pizza y los niños en edad escolar recibirán una mochila gratuita y algunos útiles escolares.

Attend our Free Back to School Bash!

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is partnering with YMCA of Greater Charlotte to host a Back-to-School Bash at Veterans Park Pavilion (2126 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205) on Thursday, July 25 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

The event is designed for the whole family and offers a one-stop shop for local nonprofit resources including health screenings, vaccinations, public benefits and more. Pizza will be provided, and school-aged children will receive a free backpack and some school supplies. 

Understanding the Tax Implications of Online Sports Betting in North Carolina

Please note, the following information is meant to be used for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide legal or tax advice.

North Carolina legalized online sports betting in June 2023. In March 2024, eight online sportsbooks launched operations within the state. The North Carolina State Lottery Commission reported that wagers exceeded $659 million in the first month alone, signaling the significant public interest in sports betting.

Gambling comes with risks, including potential tax liabilities. It is important to stay informed about your obligations as a taxpayer if you choose to participate in online sports betting.

The North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides information on the tax implications of online sports betting for North Carolinians in the video below. This video offers an overview of the responsibilities of taxpayers who participate in online sports betting or other gambling activities. It also covers other important considerations, such as the requirement to keep accurate records of gambling activities and how gambling income may affect your eligibility for public benefits.

Helpful resources:

IRS Interactive Tax Assistant – How do I claim my gambling winnings and/or losses? This online interactive questionnaire will help you determine how to claim your wins and losses.

IRS Interactive Tax Assistant – As a nonresident alien, are my gambling winnings exempt from federal income tax? This online interactive questionnaire will help you determine if your winnings are tax exempt and if you’re eligible to claim of refund of withholdings.

IRS Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens

IRS website

Taxpayer Advocate Service website

NCDOR website

To contact the North Carolina Low Income Taxpayer Clinic at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, call 980-353-3530.

Property Tax Relief Assistance

With soaring property values across the state, many North Carolinians are struggling to keep up with their housing costs, including property taxes.  But there is help.  Property tax relief is available for low-income elderly, disabled individuals and disabled veterans. Qualifying owners may receive an exclusion of the taxable value of their residence of either $25,000 or 50% (whichever is greater) but they must apply before June 1, 2025.

Who is eligible?

Qualifying owners must meet the following requirements:

  • The applicant’s name must be on the deed or title to the residence as of January 1, 2024
  • The residence must be the applicant’s primary residence.
  • The applicant must be a North Carolina resident.
  • The applicant must be at least 65 years of age or totally and permanently disabled. (Total and permanent disability is a disability that substantially hinders a person from obtaining gainful employment.)
  • The applicant’s income, including any spouse in the household, must be $37,900 or less for 2024.

What if I am a Veteran?

Property tax relief is also available for Disabled Veterans in Mecklenburg County.  These qualifying homeowners may receive an exclusion of the first $45,000 of the taxable value of their residence. The veteran must be an honorably discharged veteran, the home must be occupied by the disabled veteran, and that veteran must be 100% totally and permanently disabled due to a service-connected related injury.

This exemption is also available to the surviving spouse (who has not remarried) of a Disabled Veteran. This does not apply to combat veterans, unless they have suffered a 100% total and permanent disability, which is service related. There is no age or income limitation.

When do I apply?

Qualifying owners must apply with the Assessor’s Office between January 1st and June 1st.

Where can I find help?

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is available to assist low-income elderly, disabled, and/or disabled veteran residents prepare their NC property tax relief applications. Click here for more information. Call 980-256-7952 to schedule an appointment.

Free Clinic
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, 5535 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, NC 28212
April 16, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 1p.m.
Register: 980-256-7952

Additional Resources:

Mecklenburg County Property Tax Relief Program

Property Tax Relief Application Form

2023 Taxes: Accessing Free Resources and Avoiding Scams 

Avoid Scams and Fraud During Tax Season 

Those filing their taxes may be a target for scams and fraud. Remember that the IRS does not contact taxpayers by email, text messages or social media channels to request personal or financial information.  

Be wary of tax preparers who promise higher returns or “free money” from the IRS. It is important to choose a tax preparer that has a valid IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number. 

Free Resources are Available: 

Free resources are available to assist eligible individuals filing their taxes. The IRS Volunteer Tax Assistance (VITA) program and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs offer free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. To locate a VITA or TCE site near you, visit or call 800-906-9887. 

Additional resources include: 

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy (5535 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte) is hosting free tax filing clinics during the 2024 tax filing season. Visit or call (980) 388-1768 to schedule an appointment at a VITA Latino clinic at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy: 

  • Saturday, March 16, 2024, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 
  • Monday, April 8, 2024, 1 – 5 p.m. 

Discover You Were Signed Up for A Health Insurance Plan Through the Marketplace Without Your Consent? Free Help is Available. 

If an individual discovers Marketplace fraud, a Marketplace healthcare plan that they were signed up for without their consent or knowledge, they should report this to the Marketplace. Click here for more information on next steps. 

Health insurance navigators are available to provide free assistance to those with questions concerning their taxes and health insurance coverage through the Marketplace (also referred to as Obamacare, and Affordable Care Act). Those who reside in Mecklenburg County, Cabarrus County and Union County can call 980-256-3782 for assistance. North Carolina residents in all other counties can call 1-855-733-3711 for assistance. 

El Centro de Apoyo recibe la expansión de Medicaid en Carolina del Norte

La expansión de Medicaid finalmente es una realidad en Carolina del Norte, y el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte recibió el anuncio del estado, en el que comunicaron que se implementará este programa a partir del 1 de diciembre de este año. Celebramos que casi 600,000 habitantes de Carolina del Norte ahora tendrán acceso a coberturas de salud y ya no tendrán que vivir con miedo a tener enfermedades o accidentes. Al mismo tiempo, los defensores de nuestro Programa de Apoyo Familiar y Atención Médica están listos para monitorear de cerca la implementación del programa y asegurarse de que los residentes elegibles de Carolina del Norte reciban un acceso oportuno y significativo a la cobertura.

Para apoyar este nuevo capítulo de Medicaid en Carolina del Norte, el Centro de Apoyo organizará eventos de inscripción y nuestros navegadores de salud tendrán citas disponibles para toda la comunidad, tanto en persona como de forma virtual, para ayudar con el proceso de inscripción. Para mantenerse al tanto de todos los eventos que organizaremos, por favor siga nuestras redes sociales (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn) y visite regularmente nuestro sitio web. Creemos que estas iniciativas proporcionarán recursos y asistencia valiosa a quienes lo necesiten, y esperamos tener un impacto positivo en la vida de nuestros vecinos en el área metropolitana de Charlotte.

Advocacy Center welcomes Medicaid expansion in North Carolina

Ver información en español

Medicaid Expansion is finally a reality in North Carolina, and Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy welcomes the announcement that the state will implement this program beginning December 1st. We celebrate that nearly 600,000 North Carolinians will now have access to health coverage and will no longer have to live in fear of illness or accidents. At the same time, our Family Support and Health Care Program advocates stand ready to closely monitor the program’s implementation to ensure that eligible North Carolinians receive timely, meaningful access to coverage.

In support of this new chapter of Medicaid in North Carolina, the Advocacy Center will host enrollment events, and our navigators will have available appointments, both in person and virtually, throughout the community to assist with enrollment. To stay updated on all the events we will be hosting, please follow our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn) and regularly visit our website. We believe that these initiatives will provide valuable resources and assistance to those in need, and we look forward to making a positive impact on the lives of our neighbors in the greater Charlotte area.