Ensuring health care for more people…

Attend our Free Back to School Bash!

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is partnering with YMCA of Greater Charlotte to host a Back-to-School Bash at Veterans Park Pavilion (2126 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205) on Thursday, July […]

Jasmin’s Journey to Charlotte and her Green Card

Many people go through their schooling years with the intention of going to college. Obviously, you have to work hard and get good grades. But what if you do that […]

Understanding the Tax Implications of Online Sports Betting in North Carolina

Please note, the following information is meant to be used for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide legal or tax advice. North Carolina legalized online sports betting […]

One Morning in Charlotte Immigration Court’s Pro Bono Room

The line starts around 10:30, after people have made their initial appearance in court. They come in, one or two at a time, to discuss their specific circumstances and inquire […]

Pro Bono Go: North Carolina’s New One-Stop Shop for Pro Bono Opportunities

Visit ProBonoGo.org to browse pro bono opportunities and set up customized email alerts  North Carolina’s civil justice community is kicking off this year’s National Celebration of Pro Bono by launching Pro Bono Go, […]

¿Le han robado sus Cupones de Alimentos?

Una nueva estafa ha sido reportada, esta hace referencia a estafadores clonando las tarjetas EBT y robando la información de los beneficiarios del Programa de Cupones de Alimentos (FNS) en […]