Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte ofrece ayuda gratuita en temas relacionados con el final de la vida a adultos mayores, con el inglés como segundo idioma
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Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, Agosto 29 de 2023 – En el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte, creemos que cada persona tiene derecho a acceder a recursos legales esenciales, sin importar el idioma o su origen. En este nuevo año fiscal, queremos presentar nuestra iniciativa especial dentro del programa de Servicios Legales para Adultos Mayores, dedicada a personas mayores con inglés como segundo idioma (ESL – English as a Second Language) en la comunidad de Mecklenburg.
“El idioma nunca debería ser un obstáculo para asegurar el futuro y tomar decisiones informadas. Nuestro objetivo principal es extender nuestro apoyo a los adultos mayores con inglés como segundo idioma que podrían enfrentarse a barreras lingüísticas cuando se trata de planificar el final de sus vidas. Estamos comprometidos con trabajar para acercarnos, conectar y garantizar que esta comunidad reciba la ayuda que necesita”, mencionó Soreé Finley, Co-Directora de Servicios Legales para Adultos Mayores en el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte.
Entendemos que las complejidades de la vida a veces pueden ser abrumadoras, y por eso el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte puede asesorar gratuitamente a los adultos mayores de ESL con una planificación patrimonial sencilla. Desde redactar testamentos hasta poderes notariales y directivas anticipadas. Para beneficiarse de estos servicios, las personas deberán tener 60 años o más y residir en el Condado de Mecklenburg.
Si la comunidad desea conocer más información sobre los servicios que ofrecemos pueden comunicarse con nuestra línea directa de Servicios Legales para Adultos Mayores al 980-353-3734 o visitar nuestro sitio web charlottelegaladvocacy.org.
Acerca del Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte
El Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte brinda información a quienes necesitan asesoramiento y defensa en la protección del consumidor, preservación del hogar, acceso a atención médica y beneficios públicos, inmigración, asistencia tributaria y más. Nuestra misión es buscar justicia para quienes la necesitan. Nuestra visión es construir una comunidad justa, donde todas las personas sean tratadas con equidad y tengan acceso a representación legal para satisfacer sus necesidades humanas básicas de seguridad, protección y estabilidad económica. Conozca más información en: https://charlottelegaladvocacy.org/what-we-do/simple-estate-planning/.
Empowering Charlotte’s Senior Population: the Advocacy Center and their Local Partners Wills Clinic Benefited 25 Clients in Estate Planning
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Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, in collaboration with Bank of America, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP and Mayer Brown hosted a highly successful Wills Clinic on June 27th, 2023. This event aimed to support older individuals who may not have the resources to pay for legal services, providing assistance to Charlotte’s senior population in drafting simple wills and ensuring their legal affairs are in order. The event, held in Huntersville, witnessed an overwhelming response, with over 25 clients benefiting from this service.
“At the Advocacy Center, we firmly believe that everyone should have access to legal assistance, regardless of their financial resources,” said Soreé Finley, Legal Services for the Elderly Co-Director at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. “The Wills Clinic was an opportunity for older individuals to obtain the legal support they need, ensuring their wishes are respected and giving them a sense of empowerment and peace.”
Throughout the day, a team of attorneys and legal professionals volunteered their time and expertise to offer personalized guidance to each client. These dedicated professionals diligently worked alongside the elderly, ensuring that their unique needs and preferences were accurately reflected in their drafted wills. The event fostered an environment of justice, trust and compassion, allowing each participant to feel heard and empowered in making crucial decisions about their future.
The turnout and positive feedback from the clients reaffirmed the dire need for such services within our community. It served as a reminder that the Charlotte’s senior population often face significant challenges when it comes to accessing legal resources and understanding the intricacies of estate planning. The Advocacy Center and its partners remain committed to addressing this need and ensuring that no elderly individual in Charlotte is left without the necessary tools to secure their legacy.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy would like to express sincere gratitude to our esteemed partners at Bank of America, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP and Mayer Brown for their unwavering support and commitment to improving the lives of our elderly population. We also extend our appreciation to the dedicated volunteers and legal professionals who generously contributed their time and expertise to make this event a resounding success.
For further information or if someone is interested in getting a simple will and other estate documents, please visit our website https://charlottelegaladvocacy.org/ or contact our Legal Services for the Elderly hotline at 980-353-3734.
About Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides those in need with information, advice and advocacy in consumer protection, home preservation, health care access and public benefits, immigration, tax assistance and more. Our mission is to pursue justice for those in need. Our vision is to build a just community, where all people are treated fairly and have access to legal representation to meet their basic human needs of safety, economic security, and stability. Learn more: charlottelegaladvocacy.org
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A Wholistic Approach to Civil Legal Needs
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Sharon has spent her entire life taking care of other people. With a bright smile and a great attitude, she devoted 42 years to the nursing field, ensuring she did all she could to give her patients the best possible care. Her dedication to others includes her three daughters, the eldest of which experienced a severe asthma attack at the age of 10. After losing oxygen to her brain, her daughter was left with long term disabilities and requires 24-hour care. Now an adult, Sharon continues to oversee the care of her daughter and speaks proudly of the blessings all her daughters provide.
Sharon initially reached out to the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy for tax assistance in 2017. Facing a mounting tax bill incurred by she and her husband, Sharon needed help navigating the complex tax laws and determining her payment options. Staff attorney, Soree Finley, was able to negotiate a payment plan with the IRS that allowed Sharon to repay her tax liabilities within the limits of her income. Sharon is quick to acknowledge the impact Finley’s work had on her life: “I cannot even begin to say how much of a blessing [Soree] has been in my life: her expertise, her knowledge, her hard work. Because of her service, because of knowing how to execute the law and how to help people in my position, I was able to break free [of my insurmountable tax bill].”
Sharon’s life was further upended when her husband left her to raise her daughters alone. “When he left, the bottom dropped out for us. I was a single mom taking care of a daughter in college, a daughter in middle school getting ready to go to high school, and my oldest daughter who needed 24-hour critical care. We had a lot going on; I was managing everything.” Although she was the family’s primary source of income, Sharon had relied on her husband’s job for health insurance. Sharon enrolled in health care through the Health Insurance Marketplace to provide coverage for her family. Complicated rules determining coverage eligibility by income level caused her to temporarily lose insurance. Scrambling to resolve the error on her own, Sharon felt hopeless. “I did my homework, I did everything [the Health Insurance Marketplace] asked me to do, but it didn’t matter, I kept running into a brick wall.” One of the Advocacy Center’s federally trained Navigators, Julieanne Taylor, stepped in to file an appeal and reenrolled Sharon in Marketplace health care coverage. Taylor was also able to connect Sharon with a Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program counselor who ultimately helped Sharon enroll in Medicare. After suffering a stroke in 2021, Sharon was incredibly grateful for the peace of mind having health insurance provided. “Julieanne literally saved my life. The pressure, the stress, it could have destroyed my health.”
“When life comes at you and you need a response, my response is Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy.”
When it came time to plan for the future, Sharon once again reached out to the Advocacy Center to ensure she could provide for her elder disabled daughter. She wanted to be certain the decisions she made in her estate planning allowed her to prioritize her daughter’s care regardless of her personal choices. Facing another complex system, social security for her daughter, Sharon knew the Advocacy Center would be a valuable resource. “There are a lot of hurdles, information that no one tells you, and ways you can prevent your situation from become a demise financially. The expert lawyers [at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy] helped me to ask the right questions, get the right answers, to know how to structure things so as not to mess up my daughter’s future.”
Sharon’s appreciation for the lawyers and staff at the Advocacy Center is effusive: “They were the angels of mercy that God had used, educated, and trained in their field to be experts. They come with full power. They know what they need to do and get the job done. They are walking powerhouses in my opinion.”
As difficult as her life has been, Sharon views it all with grace and a positivity that is contagious. She recognizes her legal options would have been limited without the low-income services Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is able to provide: “When life comes at you and you need a response, my response is Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. I qualify because of my age and my income, thank God! What would I do? Where would I go? Who can afford lawyers?” Sharon is not wrong. An assessment of legal needs in North Carolina found that 70% of low-income families have at least one civil legal issue each year. Furthermore, people seeking a solution to their legal problems are often forced to navigate complicated systems without the help of a lawyer, resulting in detrimental consequences to their stability, security, and safety. By connecting with the Advocacy Center, Sharon was able to end that cycle and resolve her issues with the support of knowledgeable, expert staff and attorneys.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides legal assistance and access to critical resources for all, not just those who can afford it. If life creates challenges for you, as it did Sharon, the Advocacy Center is here to help. Connect with us today.
Then & Now: A Decade of Justice
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In 2010 …
Charlotte was recovering from the Great Recession, which had destabilized thousands of people through job and home loss that eroded financial security.
As a result, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy saw the overall community need for legal assistance increase by 15%, including an overwhelming need from families facing foreclosure.
The Recession’s effects continued to be felt throughout the decade to shape our community, to define the issues of economic mobility and inequity we fight to address, and to steadily impact the people the Advocacy Center serves today.
As we mark the passing of a critical decade for Charlotte, we’re taking a look back at the work we’ve done to build a more just community for everyone in the Charlotte region.
Our name was Legal Services of Southern Piedmont, a name we had been operating under since 1978.
Number of staff: 19
Today we are Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy! In 2017, we changed our name and celebrated 50 years of service.
Number of staff: 50
Our new name reflects our commitment to providing both individual legal representation and systemic change to advance our mission of pursuing justice for those in need.
Growth to Address Systemic Problems in a Changing World
Since 2010, we’ve launched several projects to meet increased demand for assistance, creatively address the root causes of poverty and support our community’s most vulnerable populations, including:
Veterans Legal Services Project: meeting specific legal needs of former service members and their families to ensure access to benefits earned while serving our country.
Immigration Assistance Project: providing free legal screenings and assistance to applicants in Charlotte’s Immigration Court.
Health Insurance Navigator Project: helping consumers understand their options in a complex, changing health insurance landscape while ensuring access to health care under the law.
Life altering decisions are made every day in our civil legal system that directly impact a person’s chance at a stable life and opportunity.
Despite the gravity of these decisions, no one is guaranteed legal representation in civil legal cases, leaving only those who can afford an attorney with true access to justice.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and legal service organizations across the country fight to provide equal justice for all in a legal system that is currently inaccessible for those who lack the money and resources to navigate it.
Federal funding for legal service organizations through the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) peaked in 2010. The funding increase was necessary to support legal service organizations assisting an increasing number of people while having lost key funding resources during the Recession. Funding has not increased since, despite the fact 25 percent more people qualify for legal assistance today than in 2007.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy does not receive LSC funding (learn why), but we advocate for sustained and increased funding for our partners that do, such as Legal Aid of North Carolina.
A 2014 impact report from the N.C. Equal Access to Justice Commission showed that 2.2 million North Carolinians qualified for civil legal aid services and 80 percent of civil legal needs of low-income people went unmet.
Affordable housing and protection from housing displacement
By 2010, the Advocacy Center was assisting families who were fighting foreclosure and trying to put their financial lives back together in the wake of the global financial crisis. When the housing crisis peaked in 2009, more than 12 million homeowners were experiencing negative equity across the U.S.
Today, the Advocacy Center helps families and communities navigate Charlotte’s affordable housing crisis as more people struggle to find and remain in affordable places to live. That assistance includes foreclosure prevention; defense against unfair and deceptive sales and purchases; property tax relief; and impact litigation on behalf of tenants to ensure safe and habitable housing conditions under N.C. law, including a class action lawsuit on behalf of residents of Lake Arbor Apartments.
Welcoming Immigrants into Our Community
Charlotte’s Immigration Court opened in 2008 to serve applicants from North and South Carolina. The Advocacy Center’s Immigrant Justice Program began serving applicants who could not afford legal assistance in the court, which quickly gained a reputation as one of the most hostile in the country.
With the Immigration Working Group, the Advocacy Center began the Immigration Assistance Project in 2010 to help unrepresented people in the court, providing consultation, education and referrals to assist them in court proceedings. Since its creation, it has been a vital legal resource to thousands of people that is not available in most immigration courts.
By 2014, violence and instability in Central America generated a wave of unaccompanied migrant children traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum, safety and reunification with family already living in the U.S.
The Advocacy Center launched the Safe Child Immigrant Project to ensure these children had an advocate.
Without our intervention, these children would have had not have had legal assistance to make their case for asylum, special immigrant juvenile status or other forms of relief they were entitled to receive.
Due to an overwhelming backlog, the first green cards from many of these cases were finally granted in 2018, allowing these children and their families to remain safely in the U.S. without fear of return to dangerous situations in their home countries.
This victory is a stark comparison to the current reality for thousands of children seeking relief at the U.S. border. They will not see the same outcome under current federal immigration enforcement, even though they have endured the same hardships and have the same valid claims for relief as these new green card recipients.
The Advocacy Center fought to maintain public benefits that stabilize families, while also ensuring access to them with increased demand for social support after the Recession, including SNAP benefits (food stamps) and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Today, the Advocacy Center is still fighting cuts and policies that destabilize families at the federal and state level, while helping families understand what is available under changing laws and policies.
Since 2018, the Advocacy Center has fought changes to the federal Public Charge rule to consider use of public benefits to determine approval for people seeking to immigrate to the U.S. or applying for a green card to become legal permanent residents. Confusion and fear surrounding the rule change has led local families who are eligible to receive public benefits to forego support out of fear. Federal courts halted the rule’s implementation in October 2019, and the Advocacy Center continues to monitor ongoing litigation.
Our Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic is educating N.C. taxpayers on new regulations stemming from federal tax reform passed in 2018, while continuing to help taxpayers protect themselves from scams and fraud.
In conjunction with a new state law changed the waiting period for expunging non-violent misdemeanor and felony criminal convictions in 2017, the Advocacy Center began helping Mecklenburg County residents apply for removal of non-violent, eligible offenses from their criminal records. This project sought to remove barriers to economic mobility that come with having a criminal record. In FY19, we assisted 217 people to expunge criminal records in N.C. and advocated for passage of expanded eligibility for expungements in the N.C. General Assembly.
In 2016, the Advocacy Center partnered with Central Piedmont Community College’s Single Stop program to provide legal assistance that helps students overcome barriers to their education and pursue economic opportunity. In the first two years, the partnership provided $72,855 in legal assistance while obtaining or preserving $103,462 in public benefits for students and their families.
Access to quality, affordable health care
The Advocacy Center has been litigating to ensure families have the health care they are entitled to receive under the law through major cases, including:
Pashby v. Cansler, later Pettigrew v. Brajer: The lawsuit, initially named Pashby v. Cansler, was filed in 2011 by the Advocacy Center, Disability Rights N.C. and the National Health Law Program, alleging that the state violated federal Medicaid law and the Americans with Disabilities Act by determining eligibility for personal care services under more restrictive criteria for people living at home than for those who live in institutional settings known as adult care homes. A settlement was reached in 2016, allowing vulnerable citizens who need health services to safely remain in their homes and have their services restored.
Pachas v. NCDHHS: The Advocacy Center brought the case on behalf of a terminally ill man, who had been the primary provider for his wife, two young daughters, and elderly in-laws. Pachas was trying to support his family on Social Security disability benefits before eventually qualifying for Medicaid benefits that covered his medical treatment for a stroke and a brain tumor. Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services determined Pachas’ income was above the federal poverty level based on the level of an individual, not for a family, and required him to pay a large deductible on his Medicaid benefits. In 2018, attorneys argued before the N.C. Court of Appeals that the state was violating federal Medicaid law in applying its definition of family size to determine eligibility for benefits. The N.C. Supreme Court heard arguments on the case in 2018 and unanimously ruled in favor of the Center to vacate the Court of Appeals ruling. The case is now with the Court of Appeals for a ruling on the merits of the case.
Hawkins v. Cohen: The Advocacy Center and the National Health Law Program filed a lawsuit in federal court in 2017 to stop illegal terminations of Medicaid benefits in North Carolina that resulted in a preliminary injunction and a certified class action. The improper actions included due process violations, failure to reasonably accommodate the disabled, and creating barriers to access for recipients with limited English proficiency. The class action is ongoing. As a result, the state changed its computer system earlier this year to stop Medicaid coverage from automatically terminating when a county worker does not timely complete a required eligibility review. Under this programming change, Medicaid coverage for more than 124,000 cases was extended in the past two months that would otherwise have been terminated without notice.
With the first open enrollment season for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Advocacy Center launched the Health Insurance Navigator project to help consumers understand their options and get the health care they needed under the new law.
Since 2013, we’ve helped thousands of people understand their options and get health coverage, while reducing the state’s uninsured rate. The navigator project has been recognized as a national model and received a visit from Sylvia Burwell, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, in 2015.
At the end of 2019, our health insurance navigators completed their seventh open enrollment season, helping residents in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg and Union counties understand their coverage options in a changing healthcare landscape to select health plan that meet their individual needs and budget.
The ACA included opportunity for states to expand their Medicaid programs and close the coverage gap for low-income people to insure all Americans. The Advocacy Center began advocating for expansion of the state’s Medicaid program in the N.C. General Assembly, which has failed to act. Expansion would insure an estimated 500,000 NC residents who make too little to afford private health coverage but too much to receive financial assistance paying for coverage. Expansion also would have lowered overall health costs for residents and spurred an estimated $2.9 billion in business growth by 2020.
Today we are still urging the N.C. General Assembly to expand Medicaid so that more residents have access to health care. Residents like Allan.
The N.C. General Assembly approved changes to the state’s Medicaid program in 2015 that privatized the administration of the program. The Advocacy Center has been working with providers and beneficiaries to make sure they understand what the change means and how to continue receiving health care. The Advocacy Center is also monitoring the change to ensure access under the law. The implementation of the new program was supposed to take place in fall 2019, but it has been delayed due to the legislature’s inability to pass a budget.
Protection from exploitation
To improve quality of life and ensure independence, the Advocacy Center has worked to empower seniors through education, legal representation and specific services that enable them to remain self-sufficient, their property unencumbered and their finances protected through the Legal Services for the Elderly program and other projects.
The Advocacy Center’s Consumer Protection program has continually worked to protect low-income people from scams and bad actors taking advantage of vulnerable groups who lack access to resources to understand their rights as consumers.
Immigrants have historically been targets for exploitation in our country. The current administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy toward immigrants who are undocumented has exacerbated their vulnerability and stoked fear in families, regardless of immigration status.
For 12 years, Mecklenburg County’s 287(g) program facilitated hundreds of deportations by assisting federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in implementing federal immigration enforcement at the local level. The voluntary program directed police to target, arrest and hold residents living in our community without a legal immigration status.
This practice tore families apart, made immigrants vulnerable targets and eroded trust of law enforcement, all while diverting local taxpayer funds away from public safety to enforce federal immigration policy, which is outside the jurisdiction of local law enforcement agencies. The Advocacy Center has long believed this policy has harmed our community by undermining public safety, depriving individuals of due process, wasting county resources, and exposing tax payers to potential legal settlements.
Mecklenburg County Sheriff Gary McFadden ended the 287(g) program in late 2018 after winning election on the issue. In 2019, Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed the N.C. General Assembly’s mandate that local sheriffs cooperate with ICE and honor detainer requests. The Advocacy Center continues to monitor local and state policies that negatively impact immigrants in our community.
In 2018, the Advocacy Center fought against ICE presence in our courts after officials arrested a woman and her 16-year-old son at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse, leaving her 2-year-old child behind in the court’s day care center as they took her into custody and placed her in deportation proceedings. This woman, Maria, and her son are survivors of domestic violence who were appearing for a hearing in their case.
The arrest became part of a national dialogue on how ICE activity in courthouses negatively impacts public safety and the ability for crime victims, especially victims of domestic violence, to seek justice.
The Charlotte Immigration Court later terminated her deportation case with the support of ICE, allowing Maria and her family to remain in the U.S. as they pursued a U-Visa, which provides protected status to victims of crime. The victory came after months of negotiation with ICE through the partnership of Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, Comunidad Colectiva and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild.
In response to increased ICE activity since 2017, the Advocacy Center has partnered with community groups, including Action NC, Comunidad Colectiva, El Puente Hispano and the Latin American Coalition to help individuals understand their civil rights and provide emergency planning for families in the event of family separation through arrest and deportation.
A decade of justice
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy has covered a lot of ground over the last 10 years, but the gap between access and justice remains wide.
In the decade ahead, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy remains committed to closing that gap by building a more just community where all are treated fairly and have access to legal representation to meet their basic needs and thrive.
In 2020 and beyond…
We will always fight to ensure
Access to our legal system
Affordable housing and protection from housing displacement
All feel welcome in our community
Economic mobility
Access to quality, affordable health care
Protection from exploitation
While the means to accomplishing our mission will change with the needs of our community, our resolve to pursue justice for those in need remains constant. Because we believe …
justice lives here.
What friends are for …
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Patricia H. and Patricia C.
Find yourself a friend
who will not only tell you about an amazing free estate planning service
available for Mecklenburg County residents over 60 but also go with you to have
your documents finalized!
That’s what Patricia C.
did for her friend, Patricia H. These two have known each other for years.
Along with sharing a first name, they live in the same community and attend the
same church.
Patricia C. had her will updated through Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy’s Legal Services for the Elderly program when she moved to the area in 2014.
“Because I was new, I was
trying to find out everything that was available,” she says.
The program pairs Mecklenburg County residents age 60 and older with volunteer pro bono attorneys who help them prepare simple estate planning documents and execute them to ensure local seniors can maintain their dignity and independence when making end-of-life decisions without the burden of cost.
planning can be expensive, especially for people living on a fixed income, which
is a major reason why many put off doing it.
The pro bono attorney
who prepared Patricia C.’s documents told her that had she gone to a private
attorney to have the documents prepared, she would have paid at least $1,000
for the service. She’s seen others pay even more.
However, when
a person dies or becomes incapacitated without documenting their wishes, loved
ones are left with hard decisions to make.
That’s why Charlotte Center for
Legal Advocacy protects the rights of seniors who can’t afford legal assistance
by providing free simple estate planning.
“Being able to have this service done takes all of the hard decision making and burden off my children’s hands,” Patricia C. says.
Patricia C. had such a wonderful experience that when she learned her friend, Patricia H., didn’t have a will, she encouraged her to call Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy.
On April 26, the Patricias came to the sixth annual Wills for Seniors and Veterans Clinic at Beatties Ford Road Regional Library, where volunteers from Duke Energy, Garrity & Gossage and K&L Gates helped local seniors and veterans execute wills, advance directives and powers of attorney documents.
“I’m here to support of my friend,” Patricia C. said sitting in the waiting area.
“It’s been a good
experience and my attorney explained so much,” Patricia H. said after
getting her documents finalized. “I’m going to live to be 100, but I’m
glad I was able to go ahead and check this off my to-do list!”
Now both women have the
peace of mind that comes with knowing their wishes will be honored and a plan
is in place.
The Patricias celebrated by going to lunch afterward.