“Life Is So Much Better Now”: Low-Income Tax Clinic Corrects Misattributed $20,000 Tax Bill

Sarah, a single mom of twins and a hairdresser, regularly pays her taxes every year when suddenly, she received a tax notice that she owed an additional $20,000. She didn’t know what was going on because nothing about this situation made sense. After contacting the IRS, she was told that she was being taxed on a second 1099-K due to earnings from her second account on a point-of-sale app.

Now, as a hairdresser who rents a booth at a local salon, Sarah does accept payments through this point-of-sale app. The IRS continued to tell her that she owed money due to the second account, even though this app only allows one account for one person. After many calls and much digging, it was determined that her former partner (and father of her twins) had changed his company’s app account and associated it with Sarah’s account through her social security number after they separated. Unbeknownst to her, she was expected to pay the taxes on his earnings without knowing how or when he did this.

To complicate matters more, he has been dealing with mental health issues for many years and went to jail a few years ago.

Once figuring out what happened, it was a matter for the Advocacy Center’s low-income tax clinic to get it resolved. They had to file past earnings records, bank statements, tax forms, etc., along with getting a signed affidavit from her former partner. After over a year, we were able to prove to the court that the earnings were actually not Sarah’s and that she did not owe the additional $20,000 in taxes.

“It took a lot of pressure off of me and gave me peace of mind. While I knew it would be corrected in the end, I appreciated Soreé Finley (Advocacy Center Program Director) for her availability, her assurance and her responsiveness.

Life is much better now.”

Puede ser elegible para preparación de impuestos GRATUITO.

¿Necesita ayuda para preparar sus impuestos? Conéctese con estos útiles recursos GRATUITOS para comenzar. 

VITA Latino

Los centros VITA ofrecen ayuda GRATUITA a la comunidad Latina que necesiten asistencia con la preparación de sus propias declaraciones de impuestos, incluyendo a:

  • Personas con ingreso de $67,000 o menos;
  • Personas que tengan número de seguro social o ITIN (W7);
  • Personas que tienen dominio limitado del inglés.

Haz tu cita: VITA Latino


Tax-Aide de la Fundación AARP brinda asistencia de impuestos en persona y virtual a cualquier persona sin cargo, con un enfoque especial en los contribuyentes mayores de 50 años o con ingresos bajos a moderados. Los voluntarios de Tax-Aide están ubicados en todo el país, y están capacitados y certificados por el IRS cada año para asegurarse de que entienden los últimos cambios y adiciones a el código fiscal.

Haz tu cita: AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Service


GetYourRefund.org es un sitio web sin fines de lucro creado en asociación con los sitios de Asistencia Voluntaria a los Contribuyentes (VITA) certificados por el IRS a nivel nacional. El servicio brinda asistencia con la declaración de impuestos a las familias que ganan menos de $67,000 al año.

Tendrás que subir fotos de su identificación, responder preguntas sobre tu situación fiscal y subir tus documentos de ingresos. Un especialista en impuestos lo llamará por teléfono para hablar sobre sus impuestos, responder cualquier pregunta y completar su declaración. Sus voluntarios capacitados también pueden ayudarlo a presentar declaraciones de impuestos de años anteriores y asegurarse de que reciba los créditos fiscales para los que califica.

Visit GetYourRefund.org/ y click “Get Started”.

IRS Direct File

Direct File es un servicio digital que permite a los contribuyentes presentar sus impuestos federales y estatales directamente con el gobierno, ¡de forma gratuita! Después de un programa piloto exitoso en 2024, el IRS convirtió Direct File en una opción permanente para la presentación de impuestos. Este año, Direct File está disponible para contribuyentes elegibles en 25 estados, incluido Carolina del Norte. Direct File está disponible en inglés y español.

Obtén más información en directfile.irs.gov.

IRS Free File

Si el ingreso de su hogar fue de $72,000 o menos, Free File del IRS también le permite preparar y presentar su declaración de impuestos FEDERAL sobre la renta en línea mediante la preparación de impuestos guiada, en un sitio asociado del IRS o en los formularios rellenables de Free File. Hay opciones disponibles en inglés y español.

Free File del IRS: Haga sus impuestos gratuitamente | Internal Revenue Service

Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos de Carolina del Norte

¿Tiene problemas con el IRS? ¿Necesita ayuda con una auditoría? ¿El IRS está tomando dinero de su cheque de pago aunque no esté de acuerdo con una factura de impuestos que le envió? 

La Clínica para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos de Carolina del Centro de Apoyo legal de Charlotte ayuda a los contribuyentes a comprender y manejar sus problemas fiscales. Más información sobre cómo podemos ayudar.

Free Community Tax Talk: Tax Topics for Immigrants

With tax season around the corner, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy’s North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (Tax Clinic) is hosting a free community Winter Tax Talks series to help equip attendees with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate tax season with confidence. 

The next community tax talks will be held on Jan. 15 and 16 and will cover tax topics for immigrants. 

Topics covered will include: 

  • ITINs vs. SSNs and how to merge the two
  • Eligibility for tax credits

Event Details:

  • January 15 (in Spanish): 6 p.m. via Facebook Live on the Advocacy Center’s page 
  • January 16 (in English): 6 p.m. in-person (5535 Albemarle Road, Charlotte) and via Facebook Live on the Advocacy Center’s page 

This year, the Tax Clinic has delivered presentations and created a number of resources to help inform North Carolinians about various tax-related topics, including reminders for tax seasonself-employment taxes and understanding the tax implications of online sports betting

The North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic, a program of Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, provides free representation for low-income taxpayers in federal and state tax disputes while educating individuals about their rights and responsibilities as U.S. taxpayers. 

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides those in need with information, advice and advocacy in consumer protection, home preservation, health care access and public benefits, immigration, tax assistance and more. Our mission is to pursue justice for those in need. Our vision is to build a just community, where all people are treated fairly and have access to legal representation to meet their basic human needs of safety, economic security and stability. Learn more: charlottelegaladvocacy.org

Prepare for Tax Season with Free Community Tax Talks

With tax season around the corner, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy’s North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (Tax Clinic) is hosting a free community Winter Tax Talks series to help equip attendees with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate tax season with confidence. 

December Event: Reminders for Tax Season

The next community Tax Talks will be held on Dec. 4 and 5 and will provide information and resources to prepare attendees for tax season. Topics include: 

  • Preparing for tax season 
  • Avoiding tax scams 
  • Understanding filing requirements 
  • Accessing free tax-filing resources 

Event Details:

  • December 4 (in Spanish): 6 p.m. via Facebook Live on the Advocacy Center’s page 
  • December 5 (in English): 6 p.m. in-person (5535 Albemarle Road, Charlotte) and via Facebook Live on the Advocacy Center’s page 

This year, the Tax Clinic has delivered presentations and created resources to help inform North Carolinians about various tax-related topics, including self-employment taxes (November’s Tax Talk) and understanding the tax implications of online sports betting in North Carolina

The North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic, a program of Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, provides free representation for low-income taxpayers in federal and state tax disputes while educating individuals about their rights and responsibilities as U.S. taxpayers. 

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides those in need with information, advice and advocacy in consumer protection, home preservation, health care access and public benefits, immigration, tax assistance and more. Our mission is to pursue justice for those in need. Our vision is to build a just community, where all people are treated fairly and have access to legal representation to meet their basic human needs of safety, economic security and stability. Learn more: charlottelegaladvocacy.org

Understanding the Tax Implications of Online Sports Betting in North Carolina

Please note, the following information is meant to be used for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide legal or tax advice.

North Carolina legalized online sports betting in June 2023. In March 2024, eight online sportsbooks launched operations within the state. The North Carolina State Lottery Commission reported that wagers exceeded $659 million in the first month alone, signaling the significant public interest in sports betting.

Gambling comes with risks, including potential tax liabilities. It is important to stay informed about your obligations as a taxpayer if you choose to participate in online sports betting.

The North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides information on the tax implications of online sports betting for North Carolinians in the video below. This video offers an overview of the responsibilities of taxpayers who participate in online sports betting or other gambling activities. It also covers other important considerations, such as the requirement to keep accurate records of gambling activities and how gambling income may affect your eligibility for public benefits.

Helpful resources:

IRS Interactive Tax Assistant – How do I claim my gambling winnings and/or losses? This online interactive questionnaire will help you determine how to claim your wins and losses.

IRS Interactive Tax Assistant – As a nonresident alien, are my gambling winnings exempt from federal income tax? This online interactive questionnaire will help you determine if your winnings are tax exempt and if you’re eligible to claim of refund of withholdings.

IRS Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens

IRS website

Taxpayer Advocate Service website

NCDOR website

To contact the North Carolina Low Income Taxpayer Clinic at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, call 980-353-3530.