Ensuring health care for more people…

Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte ofrece ayuda gratuita en temas relacionados con el final de la vida a adultos mayores, con el inglés como segundo idioma

Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, Agosto 29 de 2023 – En el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte, creemos que cada persona tiene derecho a acceder a recursos legales esenciales, sin […]

Introducing Our New Board Chair: Gwendolyn Lewis

As a non-profit organization dedicated to pursuing justice for those in need, we are constantly striving to make a positive impact in our community. The Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy […]

As States Purge Medicaid Rolls, Legal Aid Groups Step Up

By Alison Knezevich Read more at: As States Purge Medicaid Rolls, Legal Aid Groups Step Up North Carolina resident Anthony Brooks spent the last few weeks rushing to schedule doctor’s […]

Empowering Charlotte’s Senior Population: the Advocacy Center and their Local Partners Wills Clinic Benefited 25 Clients in Estate Planning

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, in collaboration with Bank of America, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP and Mayer Brown hosted a highly successful Wills Clinic on June 27th, 2023. This […]