Struggling with Property Taxes? Free help is Available for Eligible Homeowners

With property values soaring across North Carolina, many homeowners are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with their housing costs, including property taxes. However, relief is available for eligible residents. North Carolina offers property tax assistance to low-income elderly, disabled individuals, and disabled veterans. If you qualify, you could receive a significant reduction in your property tax burden—but you must apply before June 1, 2025.

Need Help Applying?

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is here to help. Our team can assist low-income elderly, disabled individuals, and disabled veterans in preparing their North Carolina property tax relief applications. Call 980-256-7952 to learn more about eligibility for our services.

Additionally, you can attend our property tax clinic for in-person assistance:

Date: April 16, 2025
Location: Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, 5535 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, NC 28212
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Register: Call 980-256-7952 to schedule an appointment.

Who is Eligible for Property Tax Relief?

If you are a qualifying homeowner, you may be eligible for an exclusion of either $25,000 or 50% of your home’s taxable value (whichever is greater). To qualify, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your name must be on the deed or title of your residence as of January 1, 2024.
  • The home must be your primary residence.
  • You must be a North Carolina resident.
  • You must be at least 65 years old or totally and permanently disabled. (A total and permanent disability means a condition that prevents you from obtaining gainful employment.)
  • Your household income (including your spouse’s) must be $37,900 or less for 2024.

Special Property Tax Relief for Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans in Mecklenburg County may qualify for an additional property tax benefit. If eligible, they may receive an exclusion of the first $45,000 of their home’s taxable value. To qualify:

  • The veteran must have received an honorable discharge.
  • The home must be occupied by the disabled veteran.
  • The veteran must be 100% totally and permanently disabled due to a service-connected injury.
  • Surviving spouses (who have not remarried) of qualifying disabled veterans may also be eligible.
  • There is no age or income limitation for this exemption.

How and When to Apply

Applications must be submitted to the Assessor’s Office between January 1st and June 1st, 2025.

Winter Tax Talk Series: Navigate Tax Season with Confidence

Join us this winter for our community Tax Talks Series, hosted by the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy’s North Carolina Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic! These sessions are designed to help you navigate various tax topics with confidence. Here’s what we have planned:


Participate in the following tax talks in-person at the Advocacy Center or tune in to the Facebook Live on the Advocacy Center Facebook page.

Self-Employment Basics

This tax talk was on Nov. 7. Not able to attend? Click here to view this tax talk and click here to view the slides for this session.

If you’re an independent contractor, small business owner, or otherwise self-employed, this Tax Talk is for you! Topics covered at this tax talk will include:

  • Recordkeeping
  • Quarterly estimated tax payments

Reminders for Tax Season

This tax talk was on Dec. 5. Not able to attend? Click here to view this tax talk and click here to view the slides for this session.

This Tax Talk will cover essential tips and reminders for the upcoming tax season, including:

  • How to avoid tax scams
  • Filing requirements you need to know
  • Free resources for filing your taxes

Tax Topics for Immigrants

This tax talk was on Jan. 15. Not able to attend? Click here to view this tax talk and click here to view the slides for this session.

In this session, we’ll cover topics relevant to immigrant taxpayers, including:

  • ITINs vs. SSNs and how to merge the two
  • Eligibility for tax credits


Conceptos Básicos del Trabajo por Cuenta Propia (6 de noviembre de 2024)

Haga clic aquí para ver la presentación.

Recordatorios para la Temporada de Impuestos (4 de diciembre de 2024)

Haga clic aquí para ver la presentación.

Temas Impuestos para Inmigrantes (15 de enero de 2025)

Haga clic aquí para ver la presentación.

¡Asiste a Nuestra Fiesta de Regreso a Clases!

El Centro de Defensa Legal de Charlotte se está asociando con YMCA of Greater Charlotte para organizar una fiesta de regreso a clases en Veterans Park Pavilion (2126 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205) el jueves 25 de julio de 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.

El evento está diseñado para toda la familia y ofrece una ventanilla única para recursos locales sin fines de lucro, incluidos exámenes de salud, vacunas, beneficios públicos y más. Se proporcionará pizza y los niños en edad escolar recibirán una mochila gratuita y algunos útiles escolares.

Attend our Free Back to School Bash!

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is partnering with YMCA of Greater Charlotte to host a Back-to-School Bash at Veterans Park Pavilion (2126 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205) on Thursday, July 25 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

The event is designed for the whole family and offers a one-stop shop for local nonprofit resources including health screenings, vaccinations, public benefits and more. Pizza will be provided, and school-aged children will receive a free backpack and some school supplies. 

Free Legal Clinic: Saturday, August 20th

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy will be hosting a legal clinic at Devonshire Elementary, 6500 Barrington Drive, on Saturday, August 20th from 12-3pm. Free legal assistance (by appointment only) and advice will be available in the following service areas:

  • Immigration relief
  • Landlord-tenant law education
  • Veterans: Character of discharge, discharge upgrades, VA applications, and more
  • Expunctions
  • Credit reports
  • Education on Medicaid health plans and services
  • Healthcare Powers of Attorney
  • Finding and applying for health insurance
  • Tips to understand the processes for public benefits (Social Security, Medicaid, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS)), Work First Family Assistance (WFFA)

Appointments are available on a first come, first serve basis.