Revised draft of Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan charts a sure path toward a more just, equitable community.

The statement below is from the local group Neighbors for More Neighbors CLT, of which Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is a founding member. Learn more about our coalition and join our campaign for a equitable, inclusive and prosperous community for all Charlotte residents.
The Neighbors For More Neighbors CLT is a growing coalition of non-profit organizations and neighborhood leaders and individual citizens guided by a vision for a more diverse and inclusive city. Our coalition remains steadfast in our support of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan and urges the Charlotte City Council to adopt it at the June 21 City Council meeting as currently revised.
The revision to the plan includes the important addition of an Anti-Displacement Stakeholder group composed of neighborhood leaders and housing advocates, as well as residents threatened by displacement. This is an important addition to ensure the Plan fulfills its promise of an equitable growth framework. In addition, we are in support of the revision to Policy 2.1, which retains largely intact a key element of the plan to increase diversity of housing types on single-family lots. We are encouraged by the City Council taking a bold action to ensure that our espoused values, expressed vision becomes our lived experience. We appreciate your recognition that we must continue to press forward for change.
Why This Matters:
- Equity is a key goal of the Charlotte 2040 Plan. In the second draft plan’s own words, “Equity is, in a sense, what we owe to each other: a fundamental part of our social contract that recognizes the inherent value of every Charlotte resident, actively works for justice and equality of opportunity in our City, and treats every person with dignity.”
- Charlotte is hyper-segregated racially and economically. A group of well-funded private interests that benefit from the status quo are working hard to discredit this plan and mislead the public.
- The revision to the plan includes the important addition of an Anti-Displacement Stakeholder group composed of neighborhood leaders and housing advocates, as well as residents threatened by displacement. This is an important addition to ensure the plan fulfills its promise of an equitable growth framework. In addition, we are in support of the revision to Policy 2.1, which retains largely intact a key element of the plan to increase diversity of housing types on single-family lots. We are encouraged by the City Council taking a bold action to ensure that our espoused values, expressed vision becomes our lived experience.
Learn, Support, Speak Up for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Action Alert: Don’t We All Deserve a More Just, Equitable Community? Read our last statement on the 2040 Plan
Myths and Facts About the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan
How to get involved:
Join Neighbors for More Neighbors CLT in calling on broad, public adoption of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan with approval by all City Council members at the June 21, 2021 business meeting.
- Join our campaign! Add your name to the growing list of supporters of Neighbors for More Neighbors CLT and learn more about ways to get involved
- Explore the 2040 Plan with us Wednesday, June 9, 6-7:30 p.m. with us and Sustain CLT. Join us for a beer, food and live music as we introduce you to this vision for the future of Charlotte and why it’s so critical as the city grows. This in-person event and registration is required to manage capacity. Admission is free, but we do ask for a $10 donation is possible to cover event costs. Register now!
- Join us at upcoming meetings to show your support. Find a full list at the bottom of
- Contact your City Council members and urge them to unanimously support equitable, inclusive Charlotte by adopting this plan.
- Be a 2040 Plan Ambassador and help us spread the word! Encourage your networks to support adoption of the plan and participate in the process.
- Pick up a free yard sign to show your support for the 2040 Plan in your neighborhood!