Concerns of residents signing away tenant rights
Charlotte, NC – Local legal advocacy groups are urging residents at Lake Arbor Apartments to seek legal advice before signing any document from the apartment community.
On July 30, residents received a notice from Lake Arbor Apartments stating that they must move out by December 31, while some were told they had leases that had expired or were no longer valid. Those residents were told they have only 30 days to move out, until the end of August. The notice also informed residents of an “Incentive Package” available for those who choose to leave voluntarily.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and the North Carolina Justice Center are concerned that residents could be giving up their legal rights as tenants without fully understanding all their options. The organizations urge Lake Arbor residents to speak to an attorney before they decide whether to sign anything.
Lake Arbor residents who have been told to move out, asked to sign a release or offered an Incentive Package from the rental company should call 919-856-2169 to receive free legal advice and discuss their options with an attorney from these organizations.

Lake Arbor Community Town Hall
Saturday, August 10, 2019 | 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tuckaseegee Rec Center
4820 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208
For more information or RSVP: 980-292-1780 |
The North Carolina Justice Center is one of the state’s preeminent voices for economic and social justice. As a leading progressive research and advocacy organization, its mission is to eliminate poverty in North Carolina by ensuring that every household in the state has access to the resources, services, and fair treatment it needs to achieve economic security.
Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy (formerly Legal Services of Southern Piedmont) provides expert legal advice and representation to those who cannot afford it, but desperately need it, something the organization has been doing since its inception in 1967. The Advocacy Center serves more than 3,500 families each year who are facing a crisis of safety, shelter, health or income, while providing committed advocacy work toward policy changes at the local and national level to impact a greater number of people. Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is a champion for those in need, ensuring their safety, security and stability.