The Mecklenburg Access to Justice Pro Bono Partners Program of Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Legal Aid of North Carolina-Charlotte is pleased to recognize our committed pro bono attorneys on its annual Pro Bono Honor Roll.
This list recognizes local attorneys who donated at least 20 hours of service or closed three or more cases for our clients in 2018.
Thank you to these dedicated legal professionals who have given their time and expertise to serve our community!
Each of you has played a key role in helping our agencies ensure ALL people have access to justice through legal representation.

Stephen D. Allred
Blas P. Arroyo
Keith F. Atkinson
Patricia V. Baker
Linda Elise Boss
Barry S. Burke
William M. Butler
Jazmin G. Caldwell
Emily Lynn Cantrell
Avery Devin Catlin
L. Cameron Caudle Jr.
P. Mercer Cauley
Graham H. Claybrook
Shelly Davis Cole
G. Lee Cory
Alexander Carter Covington
Robert Kader Crawford
Matthew H. Crow
Josef C. Culik
Heather W. Culp
Joshua D. Davey
Stephen Thomas Denmark
Kathleen H. Dooley
Timothy Scott Emry
Landon S. Eustache
John A. Fagg Jr.
Ramona Farzad
Daniel J. Finegan
Walter D. Fisher Jr.
Douglas R. Ghidina
David P. Ginzer
Christian K. Glista
Kimberly A. Gossage
Stephanie E. Greer Fulcher
David Alan Griffin
Ariel E. Harris
Alexandra Jacqueline Hirsch
Brett Alan Hubler
Fielding E. Huseth
Ann-Rose Marie
David H. Jones
Stuart Manly Jones Jr.
Michael Todd Kafka
Amy P. Kaplan
Christopher B. Karlsson
Glenn E. Ketner III
Heryka Rodriguez Knoespel
Glenn G. Kunkes
Nicholas H. Lee
Francisco J. Linares
Howard Michael Lintz
Allan J. MacQuarrie
Jasmine Chloe Marchant
Thomas E. McNeill
Graham Strowd Miller
Eric William Mills
Molly Elizabeth Morgan
Robert A. Muckenfuss
Amanda J. Muehlhausen
Elizabeth A. Murphy
Thomas W. Murrell III
Amanda Pickens Nitto
Nancy Black Norelli
Paul J. Osowski
Fern A. Paterson
Kim Brett Perez
Kathleen Elizabeth Perkins
Sean F. Perrin
Henry N. Pharr III
Kevin Lee Pratt
Amanda Katherine Reasoner
Alexis N. Reynolds
Garry S. Rice
Alice Carmichael Richey
Patrick L. Ridinger
Susan Courtwright Rodriguez
Melissa A. Romanzo
Frederic Hilton Schilling
Jonathan E. Schulz
Ty Edwin Shaffer
Raleigh A. Shoemaker
Matthew R. Smith
Benjamin A. Snyder
Eric S. Spengler
Paul A. Steffens
Ryan Paul Thompson
Jeremy Bryant Tomes
Lauren Tonon
Nicolas Evan Tosco
Leslie Campbell Tucker III
Karen Vasko
Richard William Veronen Jr.
H. Landis Wade Jr.
Ann L. Warren
Kathryn G. Wellman
Abigail Forrister Williams
Susan Brown Wolfe
David Scott Wolpa
Julia Kay Wood
Richard Charles Worf Jr.
Julian H. Wright Jr.
Nancy M. Wright
North Carolina attorney volunteers!
Be sure to report your pro bono hours to the N.C. Pro Bono Resource Center to be recognized with your colleagues statewide for your service. Visit to learn more about the N.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1 and statewide pro bono initiatives.
Attorneys who report at least 50 hours of pro bono legal services in a year will be inducted into the NC Pro Bono Honor Society and receive a certificate from the Supreme Court of North Carolina recognizing their service. Check out this year’s cohort of inductees! Learn more at