The Mecklenburg Access to Justice Pro Bono Partners Program of Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Legal Aid of North Carolina-Charlotte is pleased to recognize our committed pro bono attorneys who donated at least 20 hours of service or closed three or more cases for our clients in 2022.
Individuals with an asterisk completed more than 50 hours of pro bono service in 2022.
Congratulations and thank you to the dedicated legal professionals listed below. Each of you has played a key role in helping our agencies provide access to justice to low-income clients in our community.

Alexander Abramovich
Laida Mariana Alarcon
Ava Rawan Alim*
Joan Shreffler Anderson
Mark E. Anderson
Elizabeth Holt Andrews
Keith F. Atkinson
Alexandra Baruch Bachman
Fitz Edward Barringer*
Danielle T. Bennett
Dylan Michael Bensinger
Maxwell Tanner Bertini
David Loy Blue
Robert C. Bowers
Christopher J. Brady
Stephanie K. Briggs Evans
Brent Michael Caldwell
Jon Paul Carroll
Katherine Elizabeth Carter
Jules Wesley Carter*
Erik James Chamberlin
Amanda Marie Colley
Robert A. Cox, Jr.
Matthew H. Crow
Heather W. Culp
Stephen Thomas Denmark
Richard L. Farley
Joan Isabel Fasulo
Taylor P. Festa
Christopher Thomas Fowler
Nicole Frederick
Kaylan Gaudio
Lindsey Taylor Goehring
Arren Scott Goldman
Miranda Goot*
Emily Kristina Hamblin
Rashaad Bryon Hamilton*
Hailey Erin Hawkins
Mark P. Henriques
Patrick Hubbard Hill
Michaela Connors Holcombe
Keith Lamar Pryor Howard
William Russell Hummel
Jeremiah Aaron Jenkins
France Beard Johnson
Lance F. Johnson
Ross Kelley*
Mark Watkins Kinghorn
Paul Kinney*
Rachel Michelle LaBruyere*
Nicholas Hayes Lee
Kyle Joseph Luebke
Dana C. Lumsden
Allan James MacQuarrie
Nicholas Daniel Mancine
Thomas E. McNeill*
Samuel Clinton Merritt
Amanda A. Mingo
Timothy Misner
Elena Faria Mitchell
Shavala Capri Mitchell
Alice Moscicki
Kevin Patrick Murphy
Kasasira Mwine
Alexis Taylor Narducci
Lara Simmons Nichols
Jeffrey W. O’Neale
Ashley Oldfield
Paul J. Osowski
Fern Ann Paterson
Tyra Denice Pearson*
Kim Brett Perez
Wendy Powell
Tanya M. Powers
Kevin Lee Pratt
Josephina Rivera
Patrick John Rogers
Camila Mariel Rohena Maldonado
Melissa Anne Romanzo
Robert John Roth
D. Blaine Sanders
David M. Schilli
Lindsey Laughridge Smith*
Benjamin Albert Snyder*
Faranak Soubouti
Julie Spahn
W. Todd Stillerman
Tamara J. Stringer
John N. Suhr, Jr.
Raeneice V. Taltoan
Daniel Lee Tedrick
April Anne Tilley
Matthew L. Tomsic
Nicole Susanne Tronolone
Leslie Campbell Tucker III
Nicholas P. Valaoras
Scott P. Vaughn
Alexa Marie Voss
Joan Marie Waldron
Elizabeth Anne Weisner
Kathryn Gillespie Wellman
John R. Wester
Julian H. Wright, Jr.
Erik Randall Zimmerman
North Carolina attorney volunteers!
Be sure to report your pro bono hours to the N.C. Pro Bono Resource Center to be recognized with your colleagues statewide for your service. Visit to learn more about the N.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1 and statewide pro bono initiatives.
Attorneys who report at least 50 hours of pro bono legal services in a year will be inducted into the NC Pro Bono Honor Society and receive a certificate from the Supreme Court of North Carolina recognizing their service. Learn more and report your hours at