We are grateful for those who are leading the way to fund our effort to ensure justice for all. Your commitment to the Access to Justice Campaign ensures legal staff will be ready when one of our neighbors faces civil legal issues threatening their safety, security, and stability. We can bridge the justice gap for those in need.
These donors have contributed at the leadership level of $1,000 or more to the 2022-2023 Access to Justice Campaign benefiting Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Legal Aid of North Carolina-Charlotte, bringing us closer to meeting our $500,000 goal.
John Mitchell & Linda MacDonald Aberman
Melissa & Blas Arroyo
David & Lyn Batty
Kimberly Bischoff
Ethan Blumenthal
Linda & Mitch Bollag
J. Michael Booe & Rebecca Henderson
Chris & Laurie Brady
A. Todd Brown
Mayer Brown LLP
Robinson Bradshaw
L. Cameron Caudle
Olivia & Steven N. Cohen
Patrick Cook & Joy M. Hord
Stephen M. Cox
Chris & Heather Culp
Larry J. Dagenhart
Scott & Sharon Dove
J. Porter Durham
Richard L Farley
Robert & Laurie Fisher
Debra L. Foster
Gregory & Amy Gach
Aaren Goldman
Dr. Matthew Gromet & Phyllis Schultz
Robert and Burke, Alicia Hahn
George & Deborah Hanna
Jessica Hardin
Nicholas Harris
Sara Higgins & Ray Owens
Cory & Katherine Hohnbaum
Stephen Hope
Wayne & Suzanne Huckel
Sean & Jacqueline Jones
Emily Kern & Mark Metz
Stratford Kiger
Bradley & Jeanne Kutrow
Karol P. Mack
Mary Mandeville
William C. Mayberry
Mr. & Mrs. Kiran H. Mehta
Mark & Lindsay G. Merritt
Lisa & Ken L. Miller
Jared & Courtney Mobley (The Sunshine Foundation)
Gena G. Morris
Keith & Mica Oberkfell
Felton E. Parrish
J. Norfleet Pruden
Roy & Virginia Richards
Alice Richey & David Pitser
Matt & Paige Robertson
Judy Seldin Cohen & Jeff Cohen
Robert & Caroline Sink
David Sobul
W. Todd & Debbie Stillerman
Jeff Herman & Quince Thompson
Kathryn Wellman
Jameson P Wells
Lisa & Richard C. Worf
Julian H. Wright, Jr.
Emily D. Zimmer
Julie Zydron Griggs
Duke Energy Foundation
Seyfarth Shaw
Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders
*Donors as of January 19, 2023*
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