We are grateful for those who are leading the way to support ACCESS in our community. These donors have contributed at the leadership level of $1,000 or more to the 2020 Access to Justice Campaign benefiting Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Legal Aid of North Carolina and bringing us even closer to our $500,000 goal.

Stacy and Christopher Ackerman
John and Courtney Allison
Stephen and Carolyn Allred
Corby and James William Anderson
Blas P. Arroyo
Catherine and Jefferey Barnes
David and Lyn Batty
A. Todd Brown
Mark Busch
Mark and Kimberly Calloway
L. Cameron Caudle
Steven N. Cohen
G. Lee Cory
Peter Covington
Robert and Ann Cramer
Sarah A. Crowder
Heather and Chris Culp
Leslee Daugherty and Roger Gilmartin
W. Scott and Sharon Dove
James E. Earle
Frank E. Emory
Doug and Tere Ey
Richard Farley
Michael and Amanda Finlon
Robert and Laurie Fisher
Douglas R Ghidina
Peter and Anne Gilchrist
Julie Zydron Griggs
Robert and Alicia Hahn
Robert and Christy Hancock
George and Deborah Hanna
Jack Hankins
Burgin and Jessica Hardin
Edwin Harris
Nicholas Harris
Rebecca S. Henderson and J. Michael Booe
Sara Higgins and Ray Owens
Christine and Trevor Hoke
Patricia Hosmer
Lisa Howell
Pamela Hutsom
H. Bryan Ives
David Jones and E. Randall Morrow
Sean Jones
Naho Kobayashi
Christopher and Anne Dunton Lam
Stephen Luke Largess
Hal Levinson
Mary Mandeville
William C. and Sloane Mayberry
John G. and Amy McDonald
Kiran Mehta
Robert Mendenhall
Heloise Merrill
Lisa and Ken Miller
Hon. Rickye McKoy-Mitchell and Rick Mitchell
Jared and Courtney Mobley
Luther T. Moore
Russell Morrison
Robert Muckenfuss
Kevin and Elizabeth Murphy
Raj Natarajan and A. Carter Arey Natarajan
My Ngo
Nancy Norelli
Keith F. Oberkfell
Matthew Emile Orso
Larry Polsky
J. William and Susan Porter
Norfleet Pruden
Jane Ratteree
Allen and Jennie Robertson
Alice Richey
Jason and Jennifer Schubert
Jane Whitt Sellers
Timika Shafeek-Horton
Curtis Sidden Jr.
Robert and Caroline Sink
Michael D Smith
Bruce Steen
Paul Steffens
Jay Suhr
Anne M. Tompkins
Scott and LouAnn Vaughn
Richard Viola
Kate Wellman
John Wester
Lisa and Richard Worf
Julian and Amy Wright
* Donors as of February 5, 2020 *
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