What we do


Among those most vulnerable to exploitation in our community are immigrant children and their families. Human trafficking, domestic abuse and discrimination are all significant issues affecting local immigrant populations, and vital services are often out of reach for those whose immigration statuses are insecure. At Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, we are able to offer legal services to immigrants regardless of status, to ensure that vulnerable families are protected.

Our immigrant justice legal assistance program protects low-income, non-English-speaking, Latinx residents and immigrants of other national origins from exploitation. Our services are offered specifically for immigrants; however, all of our services are available to immigrants, regardless of immigration status.

Our services focus on:

  • Providing individual legal assistance to:
    • Aid victims of family abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking and gender-based violence
    • Enforce rights to habitable housing and prevent discrimination or eviction
    • Stabilize the immigration status of clients
  • Providing legal screenings and representing immigrants in Charlotte’s Immigration Court
  • Providing legal orientation and safe release services for custodians of unaccompanied migrant children
  • Educating community service agencies and schools concerning the legal rights of immigrants, and assisting those agencies in serving immigrants
  • Educating immigrants regarding their rights and providing outreach
  • Participating in systemic advocacy against discriminatory legislation and practices that harm immigrants, and promoting the rights and welfare of immigrants and immigrant communities

Immigration Representation

  • Affirmative relief through Asylum and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
  • Removal defense including the assertion of claims for affirmative immigration relief as defense to removal including:
    • Asylum
    • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
    • U and T Visas
    • Family-based petitions
    • Cancelation of removal
    • Prosecutorial discretion

State Court Representation

  • Housing law
    • Defending evictions
    • Habitability claims


There are no citizenship or immigration status requirements for those seeking legal assistance. Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy provides individual representation for immigration cases in Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Stanly, Union, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancy Counties. For all other case types, we provide individual representation in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, and Union Counties, with some limited assistance in the other counties.

During 2024, the Immigrant Justice Program:

  • Provided services to 230 immigrant children/families 
  • Opened 197 Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) cases; approximately 50 SIJS cases were approved, allowing us to have their removal cases closed in Immigration Court 
  • Assisted 280 people in the Pro Bono Room of Charlotte’s Immigration Court (two days a week, four hours each day) 

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