Sabrina Gamero
Immigrant Justice Program
“I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina and am a product of my community. I am also the child of immigrant parents who traveled across the world to afford me a better life. I cannot think of more rewarding work than providing necessary legal services to this vulnerable group of people and affording them the opportunities I had growing up.“
- Sabrina primarily represents unaccompanied children in removal proceedings who recently immigrated to the United States in State and Immigration Court. She also handles other forms of humanitarian relief, such as U-visas for victims of crimes and T-visas for victims of trafficking.
- Before joining Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy in June 2023, Sabrina was an Assistant Public Defender at the Gaston County Public Defender’s Office, representing indigent clients in District and Superior Court. Sabrina also defended children in delinquency hearings in Juvenile Court.
- Sabrina served as the Public Defender representative for the Gaston County Recovery Court, seeking alternatives to prison for those experiencing addiction by promoting treatment options in exchange for the dismissal of pending charges.
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies
- University of North Carolina School of Law, Juris Doctor